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Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15 "Watch and Wait" Proverbs 8:38

Passed by this little church
just about every day for three decades
on the street where I lived.
Have I lost my wonder, 
lost my awe.
Fall before a very Good God.
He is Here.
I hold more Trusting Awe than ever,
thanks to a Great Divide.
I won't go back.

                THE GREAT DIVIDE
Annette writes that the harlot in these verses is clearly me.
If we are weary of the Word, weary of our walk,
then we must ask what has gone so wrong?
If we are not filled with that trusting awe,
That wonder at how all this happens,
We must fall on our faces now.

Watch daily at my doorposts.
Wait at my doorposts. Listen to God.
Prov 8:38.  God says: Treasure My Word.
"Keep My Commandments and you will live.
Bind & Write them.  Is it the Apple of your eye?
Say to Wisdom: You are my sister, my intimate friend.

Psalm 139: 23 NASB
Search me, O God, and know my heart.
Test me, O God, and know my anxious thoughts.
One phone call yesterday and such anxiety all surfaced.
Right as I sat in a country church not knowing what had happened.
I wait for You, O God.  I watch for You, this day.  Help me treasure You!


  1. Annette, keep my words And treasure my commandments within you.
    Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.

    For Annette,wisdom is better than jewels; And all desirable things cannot compare with her. “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
    And I find knowledge and discretion. “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverted mouth, I hate.

  2. Solomon knew wisdom as his friend. And he knew what it was to abandon her.He'd seen the heights. He'd known the depths. He knows what he's talking about here.

    I've read these Proverbs before and saw a dad giving his boy a talk about promiscuous sex. Today, I read Proverbs 7 and 8, and I saw me for the first time. I've been studying Revelation for the last year and today, the harlot in these verses was clear to me--she's the woman on the beast, Babylon, in Revelation. She's the wrong ways of the world that snare and entice, that cause many to stumble. She's the indulgences and indiscretions, the lies and the unfaithful, the world's wisdom with all its lusts and lures--and Death.

    Serious warnings for serious times. But we are equipped to withstand. We have the wisdom of the Wise One of Old. These are clear warnings in these verses to stay faithful to the One Who not only brings wisdom but Life. Stay in the Word. Stay near to Him. Love His wisdom. Walk in His Way which brings Life.

  3. Overlaying Revelations onto Proverbs is beautiful. Scripture interprets Scripture. Loved your words of wisdom Annette. We are the harlot. He is our Lover calling us back home. We all wander off the street where we live. Grace beckons. Fully seen. Fully known. Fully loved.
