A Father fully knows me.
A Friend fully sees me.
Live in your affliction
with eyes fixed on God.
"To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. ...
But to be fully known and truly loved, is,
well, a lot like being loved by God.
It is what we need more than anything. John Piper
But to be fully known and truly loved, is,
well, a lot like being loved by God.
It is what we need more than anything. John Piper
KEPT BY GODPsalm 66:7-9 God keeps watch on my world.
Bless our God, O peoples,
Sound His Praise abroad,
Who keeps us in life,
And does not allow our feet to slip.
Psalm 69:5 O God, it is You who knows my folly,
Psalm 69:5 O God, it is You who knows my folly,
And my wrongs are not hidden from You.
You are a Friend and a Father to the rebel.
To me. Fully seen by You.
Fully loved, too!
You know me through and through.
Psalm 69:11 When I wept in my soul, I became a byword to many.
Whatever the affliction we face this season of our life,
keep your souls to the God Who loves you so.
Bywords. Bystanders. Bylines.
Even David's own children treated him as an enemy of their soul.
"Either cling to me as I AM or
reshape Me into Who you want Me to be." 66LL
"In desperate confusion and anguish,
you will know Me in ways no one knows Me in comfort." 66LL
"Every heartache will create space that You Alone can fill.
And You will.
Teach us this day to learn a little bit better what it means to wait in hope." 66LL
Psalm 84:5-6 says:
"My soul yearns for the courts of the LORD.
Dear God, make us to know how to set our hearts in this season of weeping."
Fully Seen. Fully Loved.
OVERVIEW: Psalm 66-69
You are a Friend and a Father to the rebel.
To me. Fully seen by You.
Fully loved, too!
You know me through and through.
Psalm 69:11 When I wept in my soul, I became a byword to many.
Whatever the affliction we face this season of our life,
keep your souls to the God Who loves you so.
Bywords. Bystanders. Bylines.
Even David's own children treated him as an enemy of their soul.
"Either cling to me as I AM or
reshape Me into Who you want Me to be." 66LL
"In desperate confusion and anguish,
you will know Me in ways no one knows Me in comfort." 66LL
"Every heartache will create space that You Alone can fill.
And You will.
Teach us this day to learn a little bit better what it means to wait in hope." 66LL
Psalm 84:5-6 says:
"My soul yearns for the courts of the LORD.
Dear God, make us to know how to set our hearts in this season of weeping."
Fully Seen. Fully Loved.
OVERVIEW: Psalm 66-69
The Psalmist shows us so much of Who God is and who we are in Him. There are prophecies and promises in today's reading as well as glorious praise to our Father.
ReplyDeleteSo many things spoke to me today. One of my favorites is:
A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows,
Is God in His holy habitation.
God makes a home for the lonely;
He leads out the prisoners into prosperity,
Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land.
Annette, I started writing my comment early this morning, then had to walk away from my computer. I continued writing it just a second ago, published it and then read yours. Wow! I have been reading the NIV because it's usually easier for me. I like your version better today and WOW!! You reconciled my problem immediately. This is kind of scary! Yes, the Lord makes a home for the lonely, even though it is Him who "sets the lonely." Of all of todays verses and you chose the one I had the problem. Shaking my head! Love you!
Delete"God sets the lonely in families,..." (Psalm 68:6)
ReplyDeleteIs it okay to not like certain verses? This is one that I get tempted to ask why, although I know in my head that it's so we will trust that He is enough and that He is the only one who will satisfy those deep places. My problem is getting that truth into my heart. I could go on a rampage about my sadness regarding "the family." but I sound like one of those old ladies complaining about the church changing from Latin to English. Anyway, I will choose to be obedient and trust God when He says that it is Him who sets the lonely in the family for His Purpose, so I'll believe it is good. I know His ways are better than mine, so I will also choose to be grateful! :)
Well, the good news is I'm getting to where I can't stand that self-centered part of me that comes out, where I used to gloat in self righteous success. The bad news is it keeps rearing its ugly head.
ReplyDeleteThese psalms do tell us Who God is to us, and point out places of deep refuge.
Today's treasure for me:
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. Selah.
God is to us a God of deliverances."
We tend to look towards others for solace/entertainment/fun etc when we are lonely instead of turning toward Him. He refines us and transforms us when we seek Him in lonely seasons. Knowing this does not make it any easier in my case.