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Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 9 ... 2 Samuel 16 - 18 "Small Potatoes"

2 Samuel 16:11-12 Shimei is throwing rocks at David in a valley.  David responds that his own son is trying to kill him.  Compared to this Benjamite---this is small potatoes.  Let him curse, he's preaching God's word. 
And who knows, maybe God will see the trouble I'm in today and exchange the curses for something good."
How do you find Love in your heart for your own son who is trying to kill you?  David did!  I'just wept when I read 2 Sam 18:33 O my son Absalom, my dear, dear son Absalom!
   Why not me rather than you, my death and not yours,
   O Absalom, my dear, dear son!
Absalom had just gone and slept with his father's concubines.  I mean he violated his dad like no other!  Absalom violated his God and David left him in God's hands.  David offered forgiveness to a thief, a murderer. This is what love looks like when it finds deep places in our heart to pour out of.  I got angry with the invisible thief who stole my purse last night. Small potatoes.  David's own son stole his wives and violated them.  The greatness of King David in this story so makes me want to love others.  2 Cor. 12:15  "I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well.  If I love you more, will you love me less?"


  1. Just catching up the posts from the past few days. Had done the reading but didn't have time to get on the blog. I've missed you guys!

    Wow, Bev, your life is never boring, is it??? That is AWESOME about the 66 LL trip to Israel! What a generous and loving gift. I am so happy for you! So sorry to hear about the purse snatching, but it sounds like God is giving you good perspective on it.

    Deborah - thanks so much for your prayers for me and for all of us. Such a blessing.

    Annette - I'm praying for your speedy recovery and God's very real Presence with you as you heal.

    It's been a weird week for me, and frankly, the readings haven't helped. "OH MY!" is right. I've been heartsick as I read about the sin and destruction in David's family. Certainly serves as a warning that my sin doesn't just affect me!

    Today I was surprised (in a good way) by David's response to Absalom's death. Probably about the same surprised response, although in a bad way, as I was to David's actions when his daughter was raped by his own son. ICK!!

    I've so appreciated all of your insights over the past few days. Very helpful.

    Some things happened this week - nothing huge - that make me ever more grateful for this group of fellow travelers. God is doing so much in my heart right now, and there are so few people that understand. You ladies are experiencing many of the same things with me, even though we've never met face-to-face! I'm floored at how God is using today's technology to build His Church.

  2. I so enjoyed your words Cici cause I so enjoy YOU and the thoughts of your heart. We are finally as of this weekend at a normal pace again. So, we'll take you up on that dinner soon.

    I can't take in all that David faced and didn't embrace like Tamar and then Absalom taking his concubines. I'm so taken with his hope in God to let go of all those ways he tried to make his life work. I re-visit my sins that I've confessed & want to pay for them instead of living truly forgiven. What would David look like in 2010? I read Psalm 86 a couple of times today---David's prayer in all of that mess. Sure do love hearing from you.

  3. Annette, I'm praying for you this afternoon! I'm praying for you some of the verses in David's Prayer as he found such hope and courage. May you find a deeper place of trust in God in the mdist of your circumstances. I'm struggling over here this afternoon but falling forward, wrestling with a God Who is working all things for our good. Love to you! Bev

  4. I keep thinking about Shimei throwing rocks/words and David responds: Let him curse, he's preaching God's word. Something happened this afternoon and I saw it as God preaching His Word to me and it was totally unrelated to anything spriritual. I think God speaks His Word to us through the circumstances of our lives. I keep hearing the bleating of sheep (not literally) and I do need to find a better place of letting go of my sin and not wanting to pay for it. Jesus did that! God is helping me find a little more real hope for my sin.

  5. Betrayed.

    Even though David accepted the dark things that enveloped him, how could he not feel betrayed? And feel pain?

    This suffering David has in his life would have broken any father's heart.

    But he never shakes his fist at God. I know God is trying to work holiness in us.

    What do I take away from these verses?

    1. My trust in God shouldn't fail even in times of suffering.

    2. Absalom - His hatred of David. Why?

    3. David really failed in some ways (Tamar), but his heart was like no other.

    4. Shimei. Don't you just hate it when you feel so badly, and then you have to put up with these attacks?

  6. I agree Deborah. You're already down and out because your son is trying to overthrow you, and along comes Shimei. Before that happens, Ziba makes David think that Mephibosheth has turned against him. Ahithophel had been David's trusted counselor, but had now defected to Absalom's side. WHEW!

    So, what a nice change to read about Shobi, Machir and Barzillai in 2Samuel 17:27-29..."The people are hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness." I'll say! These three men must have been a welcomed sight when they showed up with supplies and food for David and his men. What comfort and encouragement in the midst of all that's been going on.

    Thanking the Lord today for friends that come along beside me when I'm weary and tired.

    FG Forever Grateful
