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Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11 ... 2 Samuel 22 - 25 "God is Re-writing the Text of my Life

2 Samuel 22:25 - "God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His Eyes."
David pens a beautiful prayer to God Who saved him from all of his enemies and from Saul.
22:7 - "A hostile world!  I called to God, from His palace He heard my call; my cry brought me right into His Presence, a private audience!...
22:20 - "I stood there saved---surprised to be loved!"
22:29 "Suddenly, God's Light floods my path.  God drives out my darkness."

In Chapter 23, David speaks his last words.  Verse 2 says:  "God's Spirit spoke through me, His Words took shape on my tongue."

2 Samuel 24: God tested David by ordering a census of Israel and Judah.  David took count of the population and should never have done that.

The book concludes with naming David's top men. You don't hear any of David's sons being named. 

2 Samuel 24:25 God was moved by the prayers and that was the end of the disaster.  The End.  Oooh! It gives me much hope that God was moved by their prayers. 

And the one take-away I'll remember from 2 Samuel is the Story of Shimei yelling curses at David.  David interpreted it as a message from God for him.  Something about that story grips me.  Also, am I building my house on sand? 

God is rewriting the text of your life.  As you close this chapter of 2 Samuel, what stays with you?  What do you hear God saying to you as you listen to Him?


  1. My job is all-consuming these days, so I apologize for my absence. This week I had to do the most difficult thing in my life by telling some people they no longer have a job! I know these readings should be my first priority. I cannot handle any of the "2nd Things" in my life without God as my "1st Thing"!

    "From his palace he heard me call;
    my cry brought me right into his presence—
    a private audience!"

    Praise God.
    Love to you all,
    Angie xoxo

  2. 2 Samuel 22:21 - "God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him."

    I think this is so true of my life. I love the way this version says it. When I quit trying to keep reserves for myself - out of fear or selfishness - I find that God makes life complete.

    As I finish up 2 Samuel, I have mixed emotions. It was hard to read about all the violence, sin, and consequences in David's family. However, I was in awe of God's mercy, His unfailing love, His willingness to give generously to David, and how much He truly engages with those who seek His heart.

    66 LL really helps me sum this book up in a way that I makes sense to me:

    "Even My best people are flawed. David too. But as you read my story, I want you to see glimpses of greatness as well as exposures of evil. Realize that though you still fail, you can advance My plan."

    I'm feeling very hopeful. And grateful. God is re-writing the text of my life. Even though we're only three months into this, I feel changed already.

  3. Such a powerful end to a book so full of battles!

    Praise to the KING!
    God's anointed one's Top Men named!
    David sins, but God hears his prayers of repentance.

    Will I be blessed to be called one of Christ's warriors of the faith? One verse has always pricked my heart...I was just reading it this past week from the book of Luke..."Will faith be found?"

    Luke 18:8 NIV

    I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

    I am so thankful to have God's Word and the stories of great men and women of the Bible who fought battles of faith left and right. May God find us all faithful when Christ returns.

    My thoughts from 2 Samuel...

    I have a lot of respect for Joab. I can see things in his story that speak to areas of weakness in mine. I can be too tender-hearted, distracted and neglectful in my faithwalk. Joab was alert, on mission and fought with courage.
