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Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8 ... 2 Samuel 13 - 15 "A Life of Suffering Love"

2 Samuel 13:21 King David heard the whole story that his son Amnon raped Tamar (Absalom's sister) and was enraged, but he didn't discipline Amnon. How could he?  How could Absolam tell Tamar to keep it quiet---keep it in the family.  Thinking back on my own rape, I feel deeply for this woman because it was not her fault and she was silenced by her own family.  Wonder what she did with that? Did she embrace her pain, her loneliness and find her God in the midst of the mess and move in to love the unlovely?  Did she keep quiet?  This is not right with God nor man!  66 LL says to look at the glimpses of greatness and exposure of evil in David.  "Realize that though you still fail, you can advance My plan.  See how you could dance at the party now, the way David danced before the ark of the covenant.  Worship!"  Amazing that David danced BEFORE the LORD.  Only priests were allowed there.  In God's Presence, there was a humbled David and all his mess. The plot thickened as Absalom took matters into his own hands and killed his brother, the rapist.  David grieved his son's death for a long time and distanced himself from Absalom for a long time.  Was his tears for himself or for his family?  "Love would find a deeper place in David's heart than legitimate concern for himself."  Absalom was now exiled.  But in bringing him home, Absalom would end up deposing David from his throne.  Deposed his very own father.  And David found love in his heart after he named his own evil. 

 "See how like David in Israel and Mother Teresa in India, you could change a little corner of your living a life of suffering love, by extending forgiveness to delinquent boys and cheating spouses and sexual predators."  66 LL.  This reading today so makes me want to do just that---offer forgiveness.  Oh that is my prayer for us all today---may we discern the path of a life of suffering love!


  1. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou to our Good God for taking care of Annette in her surgery this morning! Her text a little bit ago sounded pretty good! Keep praying for that sweet girl and God's Hand on her! Hold her real tight tonight LORD! Under your Shelter! Praying for you Annette! Isaiah 30:18---may He direct compassion all over you in ways we don't even know to pray! Hebrews 7:24---HE is your advocate and is praying for you through this night!

  2. A faithful friend called to offer me the 66 Love Letters trip to the Holy Land. FLOORED! FLABBERGASTED! FACEDOWN! I don't know what to say! My response to her was the hugest Thank You and that I was going to the Holy Land and I don't even own a purse nor its contents anymore! Going to the Holy Land without a purse! God takes care of us! If you're wondering about the purse comment---my purse was stolen out of our car during the night last night and I lost every gift card I've been given this past year when I was down with surgeries. I was saving them for this summer when we had some time to enjoy as we are swamped with a senior in high school. Britt's interview on Monday went well---it is for a full ride to UT and he finds out next week. It's 50-50 so he might get it, might not get it. We just want him to go where God wants him. God is dealing with my heart to trust Him in our finances or lack thereof. After all, I'm going to the Holy Land on the 66 Love Letters tour and I don't even own a purse.

  3. Bev, I don't even know how to respond!!! I cannot even imagine what you are feeling. Who would ever think that the night before last you lost so much and 24 hours later this!!!!! I. COULD. NOT. BE. HAPPIER. FOR. YOU!!!

    Work is absolutely out of control for me right now, but during the chaos yesterday God brought a women into my chair who has been betrayed and going through a divorce. I was reminded how I had been betrayed the same way and was able to forgive. I surprised myself by immediately telling her my testimony. God is SO good!

    Have a great day, everyone and Bev, I'm just shaking my head!!!!! :)
    Love, Angie xoxo

  4. Congratulations on the trip to the Holy Land, Bev. It sounds like God is rewarding you for your faithfulness. Also, about the purse, I have tons of them, I could send you one of mine. You are so blessed not to have your credit or debit cards stolen, there is such a problem with identity theft these days. You truly are being lovingly watched over by our heavenly father.

  5. Annette, praying that your surgery was successful and that you will soon be completely recovered!
    Britt...praying for really good news...believing God that the Plan is already mapped out for his future.
    Blair...praying for all things to work out for good according to God's purpose for her.
    Bev...praying for a divine invasion in your body of every cell and every process to be completely healed and free of cancer. And for blessings. Showers of blessings. Thanking God for the Holy Land opportunity.
    Annette...remembering your prayer request concerning upcoming surgery with prayer.
    Cici...praying for major life changes to be filtered through heaven's divine providence. Open doors for paths in Christ's footsteps.
    Sylvia...praying for complete recovery...and soon!
    JHpaintergirl...praying for restoration and new beginnings.
    FG...praying for this week to be a time of reflection...sweet memories of your mom comforting your heart.
    Ang...praying for the hurt to finally become redeemed.
    And a special prayer for everyone to radiate Jesus...dying to self and allowing Him to live through you. Hard things are meant for Him to handle. He is our Mighty God.

    These stories of David are very deep and life-changing for all who will see his intimacy with God and his openness. Revenge keeps looking back. Forgiveness looks forward. Towards a heavenly kingdom where evil doesn't exist.

  6. Amen to Deborah!
    Your thoughts toward all of us are so well said and received! Amen!!!

    Britt just got some really good news a few minutes ago. He will learn about the full ride next week. Thanks for praying for him.

    I am accepting purse donations---just kidding.

    There are 4 residents who saw my purse the next morning on the steps and didn't touch it---someone else did---that is after the person who stole it out of my car ditched it. God is helping me to get over it. There were about 15 unused gift cards in it that I had been given this year and we were waiting to use them this summer when we had time.

    Thanks so much for praying.
    We are all praying for you Annette!!!!! I hope God gives you so much peace in the midst! You are loved!

  7. To borrow a phrase from you, Bev.."OH MY!" So sorry about your purse and so happy about your trip!

    I'm not going to say much about our chapters for today. When God
    said He was going to bring calamity out of David's own house because of his sin, I wonder if he had any idea how devasting it would be. Rape. Murder. Unresolved conflict. A son's conspriacy. Fleeing Jerusalem. But even out of this we get Psalm 3. David writes that, though he has many foes, God is his shield and the lifter of his head. How I love that verse!

    Hope your home and resting well, Annette.

    All of you are a blessing!


  8. I got my purse back. It was empty. I wonder if they will enjoy all those 15 or so restaurant and movie gift cards. Glad they left my wallet.
