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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6 ... 2 Samuel 4 - 7 "No Formula for a Comfortable Life"

2 Samuel 7:18 - King David went in, took his place before God, and prayed: after he heard Nathan's vision to build a house for God.  "Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? You know me, Master God, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are—out of your very heart!—but you've let me in on it."

In 2 Samuel 5:13, it says David took on more concubines and wives from Jerusalem right after he left Hebron where he waited on God before he moved. "Just as I am."  I can ask myself how David can be so wretched and so holy at the same time?  But, then again, I must ask myself the same question.  The story of Hebron touches deep places in me.  David was unnoticed there, only a king over one tribe.  Today, I read some "tweets" about Easter services throughout the country where thousands showed up and hundreds were baptized.  It seems that success in ministry is numbers.  The more people you reach with the Gospel.  The first question we asked was "What are they doing to reach that many people?"  David laid low in Hebron waiting on God to make him king over the rest of the tribes.  No church plant.  No secret to successful ministry.  Just a holy heart waiting on God 7 1/2 years to move him.  And my new nature waits in the shadows.  What is God stirring in my heart.  No formulas.  Just as I am.  Let us in, o God, on what is on your heart!  May we not "value a comfortable life above a holy life" (66 LL) like  David dabbled in having so many wives.  I wonder why he obeyed God's directions exactly in battle but not in the bedroom. 


  1. Whew... I feel SO out of touch here. I'm finally back in town and a bit overwhelmed. I just picked up 66 Love Letters to get some help. I could totally relate when he wrote that sometimes it's so easy to put down His Word and read a story or watch a t.v. show that is easier to understand.

    "Finally, I'm going to give you peace from all your enemies." I find it strange how many times the enemy is in my own mind. I need to surrender to His will once again today!

    I wish I had an entire day to read everyone's comments that I missed while I was out of town. Sorry!

    Happy belated Easter!
    Love you all,
    Angie xoxo

  2. Glad you're back, Angie! I've missed your posts.

  3. I too was baffled by David's actions. In some ways, he is SO tuned into God and displays such a humble heart.

    He loves and worships the Lord with so much emotion and zeal. He doesn't rejoice over the death of Ish-Bosheth who was standing in the way of him being king over all the tribes of Israel. He waited patiently to become king. He finally captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites - something God had told the Israelites to do when they entered the Promised Land.

    But then he marries women and takes concubines from Jerusalem (Wouldn't that make them Jebusites???) and has a bunch of children with them.

    He also doesn't follow instructions on handling the ark of the covenant and Uzzah dies.

    It seems that during the really hard times - like battles - it was easier for him to follow God, but he fell short during the more comfortable times. I'm like that too. When I feel like I'm in a battle, it's so much easier to listen to and obey God and to trust Him. It's much more of a challenge during the easier times.

    The man "after God's own heart" was far from perfect. What a disappointment AND a relief!

    I appreciated what was said in 66 LL: "But as you read [David's] story, I want you to see glimpses of greatness as well as exposures of evil. Realize that though you still fail, you can advance My plan."

  4. Great thoughts Cici...when things are going well, do we look deeply inside our hearts or allow God to expose the motivations of our heart? I look around at my world and if God appears to be blessing people with good lives and blessings and all is well...well, they aren't too desperate to seek Him. But then again, if they are doing that bad, what are they seeking Him for? Better life? I'm floored at David's concubines. Is it because it's such a visible sin? What about the sins of the heart where we all forget about God. Oh, I'm rambling. You have been such a delight to me in the ways you embrace Him and His Word! Love you! Hope to talk with you soon. Love, Bev

  5. Ohhh Ang...I have so been thinking about you? Did you get my email? Missing you lots around here and your humble honest heart! You are so refreshing and such an encouragement to us all. Love your steadfastness!

  6. Annette, oh my heart hurts for you going through yet another surgery. Yet, His Plan A is moving forward cause your heart is so wrapped around what God wants for your life. May you know His compassion - Isa 30:18. I'm praying for you. I'll even be across town from you tonight just zipping in and zipping out. We'll be at the Junior League for the Prudential Spirit of Community banquet. We came over the weekend to the Woodlands to get with our friends who flew in from Washington. When we will make a trip to Houston that we can actually STAY to visit!!! Just wanted you to know that I'll be across town in a few hours thinking of you. I was sitting in that Junior League room at that same banquet one year ago when I learned that I had cancer. Amazing all God has done for me! And it will be amazing what He will again do for you in this surgery. So praying for you Annette. Let us hear when you can. God is taking care of your every step, that's so obvious about you! We'll miss your encouraging self. May you encourage yourself like David did! Love you so much, Bev

  7. FG - I've thought several times about what you said about your mom dying on an Easter Sunday. Oh my! As you think about all that meant and means in your life, may you have His Perspective. That's my prayer for you---the Knowledge of His Will. Easy to say but what does that mean? You have such a beautiful way of processing the holy. May you hear Him say: This is the way, walk in it! My Love to you, Bev

  8. Ang, I'm sitting here shaking my head trying to process some of the reading. David ups and kills a few. Yet, he has all these concubines. I don't get it. I guess if any of us tried to get our lives right before we acted on anything, nothing would happen. I am taken on this "holiness" noble theme. And who's worthy of casting the first stone at anyone? We're guilty in the new covenant if we act out murder in our motives in our head to ourselves. But, I do love Angie how you taken the raw life and allowed God to make something beautiful out of it---You!

  9. I'll still be reading along with you but probably not coherent enough to write! I so appreciate your prayers and am a little nervous today trying to stay calm amid the fear. I know God will take good care of me like He always has. Like David, I walk with a little longer stride, a larger embrace since the God-of-the-Angel-Armies" is with me.

    Bless you all, especially FG as you deal with so many levels of emotion this week.

    Cici, like you, I feel both a disappointment and a relief that "the man after God's own heart" was not perfect.

    What an incredible year you've had, Bev, through every up and down, still faithfully testifying like no one else could that He sees you through. You are a living encouragement to those who know you.

    I'm so glad you're back, Angie. Missed you terribly.

  10. Caught up with reading...finally. Just a few comments:

    "David was a man after My own heart, but like you and everyone else, he was deeply flawed." David took more concubines and wives after he knew that the LORD had established him as king. (5:12-13) Dr. Crabb says,"Good times can make you feel entitled to more pleasures." (pg.45 66LL)

    Indeed the spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit...comfortable life vs. holy life.

    I don't have time to list them, but I love the four glimpses of greatness listed at the bottom of pg.44 and top of 45. Glimpses in David's live that reveal God's son.

    David's prayer was beautiful in chapter 7. He trusted god's promises.

    Actually, it's been ten years since my mother died on Easter Sunday. Thank you for your prayers.
    A daughter always wants her mother.
    I was with her and it was a special time.

    Prayers for Britt, Annette and Cici with the adoption. (and they won't be as rushed as this email)

    Sorry this is rushed but the doorbell will ring any minute.


  11. You are all the greatest women on earth!

    I'll keep you all posted when I hear how Annette's surgery goes. Praying hard for her tonight! Lord, please let her get a good night's sleep and give her Peace that only you can give. I know she is in good hands with you! I'm thanking you ahead of time for taking such good care of her and helping her heal quickly! Make sure she feels your arms wrapped around her and make your presence known to her more than ever before! I also pray for the doctors and all of her care-takers tonight. Help them be fresh and rested so they can do an amazing job with our dear friend and sister! We all love her so much!

    Good night, everybody!
    Angie xoxoxo

  12. Annette, the God of the Angel Armies was in Houston tonight---hovering over that city and your home and heart. He's with you sweet girl!!!!! In all your fears! In all your attempts to find Him. You will! We are all praying for you! Just got back from Houston tonight! Britt spoke at the banquet and did a great job, pretty humbling to be in the same room with so many students who have made a difference. Praying for you God's thoughts and words to you!
