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Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5 ... 2 Samuel 1 - 3 "A New Way to Live"

2 Samuel 1:11 In lament, David ripped his clothes to ribbons when he heard that Saul and Jonathan were killed in a failed battle.  Oh my!!!  He didn't throw a party to celebrate the death of the "mighty warrior" who had tried to kill him repetitively.  Larry says:  "That's a new way to live."  I wonder if we can ask ourselves today in our situations---no matter what the hate or agony or frustration---what is the new way to live?  We know the "old way" cause we are stuck in it.  What does the "new way" look like?

2 Samuel 1:26 - I just love David's description of his good friend, Jonathan.  "Your friendship was a miracle-wonder, love far exceeding anything I've known—or ever hope to know."

2 Samuel 3:27  Joab left David and went into action.  He killed Abner in cold blood for the murder of his brother Asahel.  Oh my!!!!  So David puts a curse of a crippling disease and famine on his family.  The name Mephibosheth comes to mind.  Oh my!!!!!!

I have thought so much about Pascal's line: "True religion accounts for both the wretchedness and greatness of people."  I just think I am far worse than anyone thinks I am!  I fought the battle within on a grand scale this weekend---of all weekends.  The weekend where Jesus won.  It is done.  Finished.  So what's the new way for me to live today?


  1. Britt interviews today with a foundation for a full ride to UT. Pray for God's hand and that we all hear His voice in this!

  2. I didn't realize the crippling disease came from David's curse then for him to later look for him and seat him at his table. I agree, I'm ready for a new way to live. Not about circumstances but condition of the heart.

    Praying for Britt this day, Bev. Also, I'm scheduled for surgery at 7:30 on Wed. and would appreciate your prayers. I'll either let you know how it went or ask Angie to give a report. I will stay overnight. You all are a faithful, sweet group whom I treasure. I'll be back in a few days.

  3. Gracious!
    Oh my!!
    I like how you put that Bev.
    Oh my!!

    I read verse after verse of these brothers battling face to face and just went, oh my!!


    Good grief!!

    The song of David over Saul and Jonathan was so beautiful.

    And David asks for Michal, his wife, back. Why?

    Ownership? Pride? A connection to Saul?

    I would think it was because she was his and he felt like she was stolen from him by Saul, her father.

    Does it make y'all angry that these men had so many women? I don't remember how many wives/concubines David had..was it 6? And he still wanted Michal back.

    Some of the biggest headlines in our news today are over unfaithful husbands. I really feel like God stands for one man/one woman forever. But the Bible is FULL of polygamy. I feel so dirty when I read about that.

    Reading about Michal's husband weeping as he followed her made me wonder if she was leaving behind children...or taking children with her. I don't know. I just feel dirty as I read this. I like monogamy. Marriage should be a picture on earth of the faithfulness of our Eternal Bridegroom to His bride.

    The Unseen. Eyes on eternity. I like how David left Saul in God's hands and never killed him when given the opportunity.

    Praying Britt's interview went well and for your surgery, AE.

  4. Bev, I read your post yesterday and wanted to spend more time thinking about my new way to live. I liked the examples that Dr. Crabb gave in 66 LL and have been thinking about my life.

    What I've determined so far are the following:

    1) To not reject those who reject me; to choose not to be offended; to move toward them in love and compassion, specifically my sister and mother-in-law and some friends who are angry at me over leaving their church

    2) To not place my identity in what I do, whether that's my list of accomplishments or in my mothering success (or failure) - that's very counter-cultural and a daily battle

    3) To not surround myself with believers and not make room for others in my daily life, specifically with my pot-smoking neighbor who seems to want to engage with me

    4) To not think about my own comfort or ease of life as I follow the Lord. I want to count the cost, but I also want to follow with joy and abandon the adventure that God has for me.

    #4 has already started. We are just beginning the process to adopt another baby from Rwanda. Harry and I are SO EXCITED that this is what God has called us to at this time! God's fingerprints are all over this.

    Check out my blog if you're interested in hearing more of the story.
