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Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26 ... Ruth 1 - 4 "Shattered Dreams---Opportunity for New Level of Trust"

Ruth 1:16 Ruth said:  "Don't make me go home...where you go, I'll go, your God will be my God."  Ruth's heart showed the value of the privilege of knowing God and letting Him change her more than valuing what God can give me or do for me. 

I sit here tonight in the middle of a depression.  Not a familiar place for me for me to be so low.  The meds I take cause depression.  But added to that was an incident yesterday that rocked my world.  I don't want to be swayed like that by my circumstances.  So, I ask for prayer that "God reach into my heart with His Power to form me into someone who values Him above every one and every thing."  66 LL. "He is determined to reverse my values."  Your God will be my God. 

There are 2 intractable obstacles, among many, from the Book of Ruth that God must overcome to make me holy:
1. Natural Disadvantages.  Is it more important to me to overcome than my unholy value system?
2. Shattered Dreams.  Am I so focused on my pain that I cannot see new opportunities for new levels of trust.?
As I sit struggling in this funk of shattered dreams, can I dream a new dream?


  1. I would so appreciate your prayers for our family this weekend. I'm dealing with depression from something that happened added to the constant one caused by the meds. No excuses. Struggling and I want to struggle well. Also, today at 1:50 pm, my youngest son Britt is in Atlanta for a $10,000 interview with Coca-Cola. Would you pray for God's favor on Him? Proverbs 21:1 - the king's heart (the scholarship committee) is like channels of water in the hands of our God. Pray for peace no matter what God directs.

  2. Bev, it is an honor to pray for you my dear Siesta friend. It has been 20 years, but I recall going through a very deep depression myself. It was truly God's amazing grace and mercy along with alot of my mother and her prayer warrior friends in NE Arkansas praying along with my husband and friends in Texas that allowed me to come through this experience a better person because I had walked through the valley. I am believing this same peace and restoration for you too.

    I also believe even now God is healing the hurt incident you experienced with your son recently. It may take a while to fully recognize the healing but God is able as you have gone to him in prayer seeking His Amazing Grace and Mercy. Even in the middle of your current health condition, Sweet Peace is just around the corner.

    As I read the book of Ruth today..."Don't you just love a wonderful love story?" I am a romantic. Ruth's life seemed to be over and yet God directed Ruth to stay with Naomi and what a rich blessing and protection God placed in her life.

    Ruth was willing to think outside the box and follow God no matter what. A new level of trust for sure. From shattered dreams to wonderful blessing. Ruth and Boaz are part of the scarlet thread through the old testament scriptures.

    The Book of Ruth is sweet relief after wading through Judges.

  3. Bev, I am sorry your struggle is so great right now. I am praying for you, dear friend. There's an old Carly Simon song that has the words, "there's more room in a broken heart..." I see that in you filling that chasm in your broken heart with more of Him. I will be praying for you to have that gray cloud lift to see the Light of His love and favor on you. I especially lift Britt up this morning for God's favor and the scholarship. He is an impressive young man with a big heart. Your heart clings to Him, and reflects His glory so beautifully. Hang in there--joy comes in the morning. I pray it is this day you see a turnaround. Love & hugs, Annette

  4. I confess I was up during the night when I made first entree. Now that I am up for the day I made time to read what Larry Crabb said about Ruth and discovered this to be my truth and take away from the Book of Ruth even though I do love a good love story it is a love story of a Holy God who chooses in His power to make people holy.

    Page 36 from 66LL "Know this holiness and only holiness brings joy. ... Faith and hope together release love. And love is holiness."

    Then God says just this to those who choose to hear through the writings of the Book of Ruth, "no matter how dark the world around you, no matter how dificult the world inside you. My plan overcomes all obstacles to holiness."

    The song I sing is thankfulness to Ruth as written p 35 66LL her thirst for relating well led her toward loyalty to Naomi and faith in Me. She made choices that, unless I existed and had a loving plan for her, would have been foolish. No one can value relationship over advantages without faith that I am at work, moving toward a happy ending that justifies present troubles.

    And for Naomi who had the drive to never give up blesses me richly.

    Thank you for allowing me to sing this song for holiness because God is Holy.

  5. Bev, I am praying for you. I have been through deep depression as well, and I have been comforted by Psalm 121,
    "I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    He will not let your foot slip-
    he who watches over you will not
    Indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will never slumber nor sleep.
    The Lord watches over you-
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
    the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    The Lord will keep you from all harm-
    he will watch over your life;
    the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore. (NIV)

  6. Haven't read today's reading but I love you Bev. I just had to say that. After reading through what we've read through, going through all the things you've gone through, the Gibeah incident hurt so badly. I won't say I am depressed but I am sober-minded.

    Take your medicine and know this, things will get better.

    You are not a failure. You are a parent. Keep struggling through with that call on your life right now. Everything will work out for the best.

    If you think you can, search our passages in the Bible about rejoicing. Start speaking those scriptures out loud. Call Satan's bluff. Shake your fist at him in the name of Christ and tell him he will not get one bit of glory that belongs to God through your life. Crawl, fall prostrate, ask Christ to minister to you and intercede for you. Invite His Holy Spirit to come in to you with POWER. I anoint you, my dear sister, with the healing oil of God's anointing, dripping down your head and flowing down to your feet. May your family remain in Him, the Vine, giving life to each of you, His beautiful and budding branches. Ask Him to prune for a greater harvest.

    Love you and sitting with you as you go through this. We don't have long here. Life is a vapor. Breathe deep His breath of life as He lives in you through this valley.

  7. Bev,

    I am interceding for you this evening.

    "If I should say,'My foot has slipped,' Thy lovingkindness will hold me up. When anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul." Psalm 94: 18-19


  8. Thank you all for your kind words and humble prayers. Falling forward on a very good God!

  9. Thanks for praying for Britt. He called tonight and said his interview went very well. He'll find out next week if he wins $10,000 or $20,000. Thank you so much for praying for him! Meant a lot to me!

  10. Late posting, but had to make note of a few things:

    "Once upon a time"...that stirs my heart to get ready for a good story. Reminds me of my childhood bedtime stories. And I'm waiting for..."and they lived happily ever after." Wish they always ended like that.

    Ruth takes place in the dark times of Judges. Bethlehem [House of Bread] is now without bread and so the family goes to Moab. It keeps getting worse and now Naomi has lost her husband and two sons. Not exactly the good life, if we're talking about circumstances.

    Naomi sure didn't sugar-coat it...I'm bitter, nothing pleasant about me right now. Yet, God had a plan. He always does and that's what I want to take away from this.

    In the midst of confusion, heartache, fear, lonliness and bitterness, our mysterious God was at work:

    Naomi hears that the famine ends.
    Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, goes back with her. It's barley season. And then there's Boaz, a close relative of Naomi's late husband.
    And "under his wings" Ruth seeks refuge. He grants her provision and protection. I love Ruth 2:13..."OH, SIR, SUCH GRACE, SUCH KINDNESS-YOU'VE TOUCHED MY HEART, TREATED ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR OWN AND I DON'T EVEN BELONG HERE."

    Then Ruth goes back and tells Naomi all that transpires. Naomi responds in 2:20..."GOD HASN'T QUITE WALKED OUT ON US AFTER ALL."

    You know the rest of the story. Boaz fulfills the role of kinsman-redeemer by marrying Ruth. A son is born and Naomi's bitterness has turned to joy.

    And this is a happy ending. Not all of our stories end this this world. So Dr. Crabb reminds us once again that God's ultimate plan is to make us value Him above all. "I am determined to reverse your values." How will I respond?

    I praise God for Jesus, our great Kinsman-Redeemer! Purchasing us out of slavery and us the precious gifts of faith and hope. And yet I am reminded by Dr.Crabb, "You must live now in the tension between anguish and hope."(pg.5 66LL) I'm praying for HOPE to win out today. For you. For me.

