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Thursday, January 23, 2025

23 - “The Concourse of Providence Directs Our Story” Genesis 48-50

#23 Am I in the place of God? Genesis 50:19. Dare I usurp the prerogative of God. (Poole). The concourse of Providence directs my story. 


Joseph didn't skirt the issue with his brothers.  He nailed it.  You meant it for evil.  How often I soft soap the evil someone has done to me because of relationships and not wanting to offend.  Joseph named the evil intentions whether it be doomed to slavery or death. They intended harm by taking him away from his father.  But God meant it for good.  God designs good should come by whatever happens to us.  The concourse of Providence directs this story---and ours--- and causes it to work for good.  Always.  
Intrigued by last words, you hang on to Jacob's dying sentiments. Jacob speaks of Divine Providence taking care of him all his days. All his suffering days? Yes, his life was chocked to the brim with hardships, however Jacob is a "kept" man from the evil of his troubles.  God gives some and even  more to others. Trust in those hard places that it is all working for good. We are kept people. Kept from evil. Alive to Him.

Am I in the place of God? Gen 50:19. 
"Dare I usurp the prerogative of God." Get real. Matthew Poole Commentary
Dare I soften those who have hurt me by killing them with kindness. Be real. 
Dare I humble myself before people and not think of humbling myself first before God. Live real. 
Benson Commentary says: "Make your peace with God, and then you will find it an easy matter to make your peace with _____." 
Oh friends, think about your own experience with the Wonderful Kindness of your God and be persuaded  He will still befriend you, whatever you've done.  

Gen 49:6 "I want no part in my two sons' bitter feuds." If we really love, aren't we going to stand in the way (whatever that looks like---no formulas) of our children and say---that's not right with me and that's not right with God. And I love you enough to move into your life. What happened in Israel's heart? Why could he feel like he lost everything if he lost Ben and Joseph? Here is a man of God who is flawed. We all live with our depravity. 

Joseph closed the eyes of his father.
Perfect Rest for an imperfect patriarch.
We trust their same God, a Good God, who has brought us to this place.

Our God is always doing us good. A Higher Good than we know. An Eternal Blessing not earthly. More than mustering up the Kindness of his God, Joseph assuages his brothers that he is NOT in the place of God. "Do Not Be Afraid for Am I in God's Place?" As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. Genesis 50: 19-20. With all of his forgiving heart, Joseph wants his brothers to fear God, not to fear him. Seek the forgiveness of the Holy God of your father. And oh! Verse 21 says that he did with such kindness. And a tear falls. This servant of God, who lived in prison for almost half of his life, encourages us through his oh-so-kind words spoken to set our hearts on things above. That race for the Prize. Even when the pain is overwhelming. 

Whatever you face this day, only God knows. Even in your own suffering, great or small, you are trusting the Good God of Jacob and Joseph who depended not on themselves in many messes they created---no, they depended on the One for Whom they lived. An imperfect Patriarch Jacob and his Honorable Son Joseph both closed their eyes in rest, knowing their calling, knowing their God.  ~ Their God will visit you ~ Genesis 50:24. He already has!

PHOTO:  Climbed up to this cross on a hill. In all our imperfections, may the course of Providence be so evident to us in our stories. 

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