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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

22 - “Headed Home - Pilgrimage” Genesis 45-47

#22 Live in the humble beginnings where God has placed you. May we see that all what happens in our lives as from God—-it was not you who sent me here, but God. Genesis 45:8     


Joseph allowed Judah to speak on and on, even though Joseph knew what had really happened.  Then, he draws them to himself.  All the markings of a beautiful repentance on Joseph's part.  "It was not you who sent me here, but God." Genesis 45:8.  The Providential hand of God.  And the perseverance of Joseph in the midst of loss, imprisonment, and betrayal.  Joseph never lost heart.  May we see all what happens in our lives as from God.

Photo The Rome that Joseph's family would soon build. Jacob only wanted to go and see his long lost son, Joseph. 
Jacob didn't demand that Joseph come to him 
nor did he ask to go live with Joseph in all his Pharaoh glory. 
Jacob just wanted to see his boy. The one he thought was dead for how many years. 
I just love that. Jacob didn't even ask a caravan of questions like I would. 
He mounted his animal in golden silence 
cherishing the opportunity to touch his boy's face, kiss him one last time, and bless the boy. 
It would be another decade of life for Jacob under his son's care but not in a palace.
When death is near, may I live this simple and true and kind to all of you.
Jacob described his life as a "pilgrimage," meaning he was on his way to his real home---heaven.  
Through all his days, he never lost sight, even in the midst of such sorrow.  Genesis 47:9.  

Conniving brothers are treated differently here.  The true meaning of respect for what is right.  

And Jacob, the patriarch, offers a blessing to the Pharaoh who has saved his life, his family's lives, and his world.  May we live in the humble beginnings where Providence has placed us---and not seek to be someone else.

Photo:  Credit: Flickr.  All the stones piled high as a memoriam to a life well lived.  Jacob's pilgrimage home.

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