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Friday, October 4, 2024

277 - "More Zealous to Please God Than to Avoid Sin" Matthew 3; Luke 3; Mark 1:1-11; John 1:15-34


I often think of a situation where my oldest could have exposed a big story for his own gain but he left it lay on the table.  It was and still is a monumental moment for me.  If I drop a piece of info into the right slot, would it be morally right?  Do I live by morals alone? "Here is the rub: one must be more zealous to please God than to avoid sin. One's obedience to God must be forward-oriented and zealous and free, and to be a mere moralist or pietist would make such a life impossible." Eric Metaxas. Oh! God, please give us strength to prepare the way to truly live free and let You move in.  Matthew 3:3 Prepare the way. It's not about doing but about being and we need You, Holy Spirit, to help us this life of ours prepare the way for our Lord.  

Luke 3:5 – My valleys will be filled; my mountains made low to know HIM. We can bank on that one---if we want to know Him, He will bend low to make us know HIM. He will make our crooked life straight. But, it’s not the way I think it will happen. And it’s not about religion or being spiritual. The Jesus I meet in the Gospels sometimes I don’t understand---but He is a beautiful Christ full of love and passion. I have such a stereotype in my thinking. For so many years, I thought I had to be really really nice all the time. But, I did it for me, not for Him. He so exposes the thoughts and intentions of our hearts, if we let Him, if we listen, if we linger.

PHOTO:  I hold close the memories of this Buena Vista photo. I know what I was thinking as I took the photo. It has not come true. My life is to be lived to please God not for my gain.

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