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Saturday, October 5, 2024

278 - “What’s Next In Your Story—-A Rescue or a Relationship” Matthew 4:1-22; Mark 1:12-20; Luke 4:1-30

Wrestling with things like depression induced by cancer meds to relationship failures induced by those who have distanced themselves from my life --- oh, and my jealousy and loss . . . yet I sit here convinced of God's Love & Hope even in the midst of salty sultry tears---gratitude beyond measure for truth that lingers--- as I read the opening pages of Matthew that a Great Light has dawned on me, is dawning, will dawn.

Matthew 4:12 "Now, when Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody, He withdrew into Galilee, and leaving Nazareth, He came and settled in Capernaum."  Jesus does not come to rescue John.  There's something in John that knows that the people of his day were "blinded by their self-centered understanding of what should come next in the story.  They thought I should send the Messiah to bless them.  John knew the Messiah would come to change them."  66LL

Everyone who sits in darkness sees a Great Light.  Light Dawns.  Hold tightly to Him and let go of yourself.  He walked this land of dirt and darkness for me.  The Word of God shines in our dark places. And here is born The Living Word.  The Day Star. Light that never goes out. Come Lord Jesus in our story not to bless but to stay with us and make us more like You.

Matthew 4:1  Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. In the lonely scorching desolate wild wilderness.  Alone.  Led by the Spirit of God.  Yes, I want to be led by the Spirit of God. Yet, I don't want to be led into the wilderness to be tempted. Who does? If my LORD was, what does that say to my life?  If I was led to the Mount of Temptation, I would struggle immensely with:  Hunger after 40 days/40 nights of no food.  Fear after 40 days/40 nights of terrifying treacherous existence in a wilderness. Powerlessness after 40 days/40 nights with no followers, no feedback, no nothing.  And these were the 3 areas where Satan tempted Jesus.  Deut. 8:2 says that God tests you so that you can know what is in your heart.

      We are painfully conscious and ashamed of our lack of desire; 
      Yet He calls to each of us:
      "Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One, and Come Away with Me"
      A.W. Tozer

PHOTO:  Sunrise in the country. As sure as the sun will come up, the Great Light will dawn in our lives.

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