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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

275 - “God Stoops and Steps into History To Save Me From Myself” Matthew 1; Luke 1-2:38


God broods over Matthew 1. The non-pristine genealogy of The Messiah.

This is not just a genealogy of famous men. There are some names, we know too well for their impropriety, their immortality, their idolatry.  The descendant of Abraham, of David, well---He saved the whole human race. Every single one of us has been living in darkness. Matthew 1 is a place where God the Son stooped and stepped into history to save us from ourselves.  

Mary treasured up all that had happened and weighed it in her heart. Luke 2:19 How do I weigh my present circumstances?  For the Glory of God?  It was Angels who were the heralds of her newborn Son, a newborn Saviour.  Found smack dab in the midst of their honest calling, industrious shepherds, who were where they were supposed to be keeping watch over their flock.  "We are not out of the way of Divine visits, when we are employed in an honest calling, and abide with God in it." So, lead that honest, humble life and let God have the honor of your life and its work.  Here comes Peace in this lower world of ours.  Peace is Here.  Fully ponder.  

PHOTO:  The sun on my perspicacious face and the moon on my unknown back.  You never know when God will show up and make our paths straighter. 

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