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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gen 39:3 and Matt 21:32 "Is My Hope in a Solution or on a Sovereign Plan?" (February 2)

Genesis 39:3 Joseph's master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD caused all that he did to succeed in his hands.  And even though the LORD was with Joseph, God allowed him to be set up by a deceitful immoral woman.  Where was God?  He was right there beside Joseph whispering in that prison cell, in Joseph's darkness of soul and spirit and space. 
Even the Prison Guard in 39:23 says that he didn't worry about anything in Joseph's charge because the LORD was with Joseph.  He may have been behind bars, but His LORD infused a freedom in Joseph.  He didn't lose heart and turn away from his Good God, his Silent God. Matt 21:32 Joseph didn't do what a good Pharisee might do:  "Even when he sees [sin], he does not change his mind and believe God." Joseph doesn't live in sin, not even after interpreting two dreams with hopes of being released.  Joseph's hope did not rest on the solution but on the Sovereign Plan of God. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm meditating on that question Bev. My Hope is supposed to be in the Sovereign, but too often it lies in circumstances, what is "supposed" to happen. My security is in Christ, though. I use the word "hope" too casually. I "hope" it rains. I "hope" you have a nice birthday. Real hope and belief that tomorrow is going to be awesome has to rest in the One Who is our Tomorrow.
    As days and years went by, Joseph didn't lose hope. Was he discouraged? Did he feel forgotten? I bet so, but he used the time to prepare him for his future. The Lord was with Joseph. Wonder what life event God is preparing me for even this day "in the waiting." It doesn't just happen, though. It is deliberate. Prepare Ye the way, Lord, that I may be found ready.
