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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lev 3 and Mark 5:36 "Keep On Believing" (February 25)

Ad Dei Marjorem de Gloria - For The Greater Glory of God -
Math and Science and Calculator and Current Events contests may seem inconsequential in the scheme of things but anything done to the Glory of God pleases Him so! 

Lev. 3 brings my thoughts to Noah who would sacrifice offerings in case his sons had committed sins---same with Job.  Oh, to have that kind of attitude rather than an accusatory one toward my family.

If I can just touch His Garment.  Mark 5:28 - What does that mean to me this day? 

And God speaks: "Do not fear.  Only believe."  He is not talking to my mind because this is not about changing our thoughts.  Not about garbage in/ garbage out.  It's about transformation.  My heart!

Mark 5:36 - "Only believe" is the progressive tense in the Greek---keep on, keep on, keep on believing!


  1. You are the perfect encourager to come along for your students. Let us know how it goes!

  2. Sometimes, this world's reality is not reality at all. There is a greater Force and truer Reality that is at work among us. Jairus's daughter appears dead for all to see, yet Jesus calms, “Do not fear, only believe.” He brings only the most intimately involved with him, the girls' parents, Peter, James, and John. He says, "Little girl, arise!" And all are amazed.

    Jesus's words speak directly to this heart today. Do not fear. . .Only believe. . . Little girl, arise. . .Where am i dead in fear this day? Where can I exercise more faith, as the woman who reached out to touch the hem? It's time to rise up.

  3. Oh, to have the faith like the woman who believed that IF she could only touch the hem of His garment she would be healed. I believe at times that I do have that kind of faith and then at other times I find my faith wavering over issues. I suppose it really is fear that He will not come or move for me to see results. I fear I still want to be in control and have things my way and NOT His way. His way is always clearly best. Facing several issues where there are outcomes that I desire and where I desire for them to be NOW.....praying for Him to open my eyes and heart to what He desire for me and mine and the future.

    Praying for you Bev, as you stand tall with your students. Annette is so right, you are the perfect encourager for your students.

    May we each one rise up and believe and reach out and touch the hem of His garment.
