#60 God’s will is for me to become holy not to solve all my problems. Moses led 2 million on a trip of joy that should have taken 11 days not 40 years. Concerned more with comfort than holiness. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
God's Will in the wilderness was for the Israelites to find freedom to be holy.
Not freedom from their problems.
There are friends and family who are hoping for a change in my life, for the better. But, I'm here to report a dip, a breach, a patch that I hit that I do not know how I can recover. I'm not here to protect the reputation of our Good God. I'm here to do His Will and I must keep on repenting of wanting things to go better. They're not in terms of this world, this life. But then again, I read Numbers and my mind boggles at Aaron and what he faced. His oldest son---dead. People don't talk about things like this. Killed because Nadab and the younger son Abihu refused to live God's way in the wilderness. They died in a strange accident. What did Aaron think of his parenting? What did he say to himself to move through this? Cause he sure did move well through it. So, I go this day to a String of Pearls from 66 Love Letters and string them for you: "You will experience terrible failure and crushing conflict on the road that leads to where I'm taking you, but it is the right road even when it feels like it's killing you...No matter how well organized and well intentioned you are---you will run into trouble...The road that exposes you will lead to the life you want, the life God gives you...God is here not to solve your problems and make your lives comfortable...Never underestimate the energy (and badly misunderstand the nature of unholiness) in the human heart...Moses prepares the people for a trip of joy that would have taken 11 days had they taken Leviticus to heart and concerned themselves more with holiness than comfort." Oh my word! 11 days! They had to learn their lesson 1,327 times in 14,600 days. May it never be!
Numbers 5:5 The people of Israel did exactly what God had commanded through Moses. Who did they do it for?
PHOTO: Wilderness. Just 11 days away. Took 40 years. #freestockphotos
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