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Friday, February 28, 2025

59 - “The Rest of the Story” Numbers 4

#59 Every man carried out his work as assigned but never looked into his own heart. Numbers 4:49. They did what was right in their own eyes. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself


Remember us, O God.
And may we remember what we have done.

They all were counted.
Divine Providence. 
Each carried out a plan. 
Do I know that plan for my life?

"At the Lord’s command through Moses, 

each was assigned his work

and told what to carry." 

Numbers 4:49
God has a Divine Plan for my life.  May I find the stone to carry and not look at anyone else's stone.  May I hear Your Divine Voice saying this is the way, walk in it.  May I know Your Divine Will for the next step of faith.  And by Your Divine Power, I will take it.

"And that's the story of their numbering."  Every man did what was commanded.  Every man carried out his work.  Every man died in the wilderness. Every man did what was right in his own eyes. "They never looked deep enough inside to see what was terribly wrong in their own hearts."  66LL

God forbid that we do what is right in our own eyes.  We think, sometimes, that we are doing so well.  Not so!  Are we open to looking deep down to see what is "terribly wrong" in our hearts, in our ways of relating, in our active minds?  Come LORD Jesus, may we be satisfied only with You.

PHOTO: A blatant photo of the static sun.  Open our eyes to see.

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