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Saturday, August 31, 2024

243 - "The Veil Is Thin" Ezekiel 13-14

‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord.’” Ezekiel 12:28.  Every jot.  Every tittle.  Yes.  It will be fulfilled.  May we take care of our business here on earth with blinders on. "There is but a step between us and an awful eternity; therefore it concerns us to get ready for a future state."

This is about eternity and how I will live there.  Don't let me miss out on what You have for me here, there.  says that His Hand will not be on the prophets, the people who mislead, saying "Peace," when there is no peace for those who disobey.  Those who build walls and live behind them.  But walls crumble.  Ezekiel 13: 9-11.

"There was no prosperity designed for them," none whatsoever.  These people were in war with the Chaldeans.  Yet, the prophets promised what they could not.  The prophets gave a false hope that the war would end in their peace and all will be well.  "They seduced God's people; they put a cheat upon them, led them into mistakes, and drew them aside out of that way of repentance and reformation which the other prophets were endeavoring to bring them into." Matthew Henry

Repentance and Reformation.  The message holds true for today.  I hear people in ministry saying that we have to go soft on people.  Don't scare them away from God.  What is the gospel truth?  I think the prophet in our day who speaks the gospel truth is not the one who will get the bookings.  The prophets who tickle the ears and tell their people:  Here.  Here are the steps to follow and life will all work out for you.  Where are the people calling us to repentance and reformation?

Hopes of peace, not help up by the Word of God, cheat our friends from facing what is in their soul. Ezekiel 13:10. The false prophets seduced the people. The prophets whitewashed the greatness of their sin. “Peace” to all. The prophets threw around their and covered over the weaknesses with “untampered mortar” that will fade and flake and disintegrate under the next storm. Peace sounds better than troubles. And this, you can live behind whitewashed walls.

PHOTO:  It's a 100-year-old stagecoach stop that harbored both deceivers and deceived, truth tellers alike.  Do we speak the truth to those whom we provide a safe harbor?

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