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Saturday, August 10, 2024

222 - "Is My Confidence in Man or God" Jeremiah 13-14


This is a very sad time in our lives.  "It's precisely our consciousness of sin that can lead us nearer to God."  Closer, Our God, bring us closer as we deal with our own stuff.  So aware of the presence of a Good God in the midst of some confusion over here.  We don't understand but we trust.  We are in the dark night of the soul and pray we hold tight and remain faithful.   
Why are we acting like tourists?
Jeremiah 14:7 Drought...We know we're guilty. We've lived bad lives—but do something, God. We've betrayed God, Hope of Israel.  Our only Hope...14:9 - God, you are, in fact, here, here with us! You know who we are—you named us! Don't leave us in the lurch. 
Does God always listen when we pray?Jeremiah 14:11 God said to me, "Don't pray that everything will turn out all right for this people. When they skip their meals in order to pray, I won't listen to a thing they say. When they redouble their prayers, bringing all kinds of offerings from their herds and crops, I'll not accept them....their preachers are liars telling them that everything is going to be okay.  Oh my!  God's eyes pour out tears for the people while the preachers go about business as usual as though nothing happened. Don't break faith with us, God.

  Jer 14:8
You who are the hope of our days
    Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in my midst
    like a traveler who stays only a night?

Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
    like a warrior powerless to save?

You are among us, Lord,
    and we bear your name;
    do not forsake us. Oh God!

PHOTO: Duomo de Milano, Italy

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