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Monday, July 29, 2024

210 - "God's Hand Is Not Too Short" Isaiah 59-63

A beautiful metaphor.

God's Hand is not too short to lend, 
His ear not too dull to hear,

There's nothing wrong with God; the wrong is in you.  

Your wrongheaded lives caused the split between you and God....Isaiah 59:12 - 
Our wrongdoings pile up before you, God, our sins stand up and accuse us...Good is MIA, missing in action. 
But You issue a decree in v. 20:  I'll arrive as Redeemer to those who leave their sins.  
If there is any breech, the problem is me, my heart.
If we do not see His Hand,
If we do not hear His Word,
If we do not experience His Life,
it's not because of God's Heart to help and hear and rescue and redeem.
One commentary says it this way:
"See here sin in true colors, exceedingly sinful;
see here sin in its consequences, exceedingly hurtful,
separating from God, not only from good but to evil." M. Henry
If there is no joy, no peace, this day, just distance,
it means I have moved.

We all have the Holy Spirit and His Power at the whisper of a word. He is here.  Our hands may be knee deep in our work.  Our hearts must not be entangled with this world.  May we all proclaim the good news by the way we live.  

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair."
Isaiah 61:1-3
God rises on you, His sunrise glory breaks over you. ... I've put you on your feet, towering and grand forever, a joy to look at! ...The runt will become a great tribe, the weakling become a strong nation. I am God.  At the right time I'll make it happen." Isaiah 60:2.

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. God sent me to announce the year of his grace—and to comfort all who mourn, To care for the needs of all who mourn,give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit. Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display his glory.  Isaiah 61:1

You'll get a brand-new name straight from the mouth of God. You'll be a stunning crown in the palm of God's hand, a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of your God. No more will anyone call you Rejected, and your country will no more be called Ruined. You'll be called Hephzibah (My Delight), and your land Beulah (Married), Because God delights in you and your land will be like a wedding celebration. Isaiah 62

In all their troubles, he was troubled, too. He didn't send someone else to help them. He did it himself, in person. Out of his own love and pity he redeemed them. He rescued them and carried them along for a long, long time. Isaiah 63:8

PHOTO:  A flock of birds at sunset in Coronado, California. God's Hand is not too short for any of us.

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