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Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8 "The Gospel Has Eyes" Job 24:1

"Why are times not stored up by the Almighty?" Job 24:1
Does God forget the wrongs we suffer? 
Job defends a Mighty God of Whom
we don't even know the "fringes."
So, what is God doing allowing this suffering?

In the first stanza of The Canticle,
St. John penned a similar thought:
"Where have you hidden, Beloved?
And left me groaning.
I went out in search of you and you were gone."

John says his sufferings turned out to be a feast.
"A feast where love makes all new."
And, as John writes, the initiative always belongs to God.
"If the person is seeking God,
much more is her Beloved seeking her."

God's desire in everything He does to us
is to prepare us for Himself.
"The Gospel has eyes.
They reach to the heart and change it."
St. John of the Cross
The Canticles

God, You say that You look down from Heaven
to see if there is anyone seeking You.
You are always looking, gazing, waiting, blazing
on our behalf.  Thank You for looking with Eyes of Love.
Psalm 53:2

OVERVIEW: Job 24-28


  1. Job stands strong and tries to reason it out. Where can reason be found. Job isn't giving up holding on to his righteousness, even if his friends think he's wrong.

    Is life meaningless? Only for the unobservant or the unexamined life. Can wisdom be found? Why does a righteous man suffer? Job is starting to find his answer. He knows the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. He knows that his Redeemer lives. And he finds the beginning of peace when he proclaims:

    "The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
    and to shun evil is understanding." (Job 28:28)

    1. Where are you Bev? You are taking some breathtaking pictures on Instagram!
