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Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15 "Raised Me Up" Psalm 9:13

A Doomed Star.

We may feel doomed to a death we cannot stop.
There is nothing that God cannot do with us to raise us up again to life.
Alive to God!

Psalm 9:13 - You lift me up from the gates of death. Providence. There is nothing in this world that can keep God from raising us up to life, back again, one more time. He raised me up 7 years ago when I felt all but left for dead. He raised me up 4 years ago to this very day when I faced my own mortality---cancer stricken. Cancer free. Four years later.  Today. You, O God, have raised us up from the dead over and over again. Sovereign Steps. Where there is sorrow in my day, enlighten my eyes. Psalm 13:2-3. Let me not barter for Anything Else to enlighten me. You have not forgotten. You see this thing that is happening to me.

I will bless the LORD Who has counseled me. O God, please let my mind instruct me even this night. Because You are at my right hand, I will not be shaken in what comes my way. Psalm 13:8


  1. Well, the post is here. I just cannot get it up. Macs have a mind of their own. A rather brilliant one. I give up. Annette, can you try?

  2. Ummm, I got it back up. Not sure how. Sure do love you all!

  3. You did it! I just got here this evening late today. We are at the ranch now mostly, but still back and forth with the Houston house. Anyway, internet isn't always great here.

    Don't you love the Psalms to praise Him and capture our hearts ups and downs!

    And I celebrate your life and victory today with you, Bev. Happy Anniversary of Life!
