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Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 14 "Undo v. Uncover the Rest Beneath" Psalm 1:1

We open the book of Psalms.  It's a Hand reaching out to grasp ours in the midst of our storms and tears and confusion and fears.  I have assumed wrongly about life:  I have wanted God to step in and rescue me from all my struggles with people and life.  Relieve me of this oppression. Replace it with Rest. But what God did:  He has used my Job experiences "to uncover a Rest beneath the struggle that no Anguish can destroy.  The struggle with fear and pain will continue.  Only in the storm will you know There is an Anchor."  66LL.  This is not what my world tells me.  My world wants me to have no struggles, no worries, no pain.  If you do, people assume that you are:  E.

a. Not walking with God

b. Not trusting God

c. Not understanding God and His Goodness

d. Not in God's will

e. All of the Above

A friend said to me the other day: "Let's just be positive and trust God." Or, in other words: Let's just deny what is really going on.

Ps 1:1 - Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of his disillusioned friends but in Truth

Ps 2:6 - As for me, I have installed my King...I take Refuge in God not things working out

Ps 3:3 - You, O LORD, are a Shield about me, the One Who lifts my head through t.h.i.s.

Ps 4:1 - Answer my Evening Prayer. Be gracious. Hear this prayer of my heart at the end of the day

Ps 5:3 - Now, in the Morning, I will order my Prayer to You and eagerly watch today.

Ps 6:8 - The LORD hears the voice of my weeping

Ps 7:9 - Probe my mind and my heart and make me secure

Ps 8:3 - When I consider the work of Your Fingers, the Moon and Stars, what is man that You are mindful of us, that You care?

OVERVIEW: Psalm 1-8



  1. O Lord, our Lord,
    How majestic is Your name in all the earth!

    Praise throughout good times, the bad times, not because we aren't hurting, but because we believe in the promise. We are just travelers, on our way to eternal life with King Jesus.

  2. Every time I read O, Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.! I start singing the song and a right good praise time. Psalms are wonderful to use to pray and usually always point me directly to God.
