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Sunday, June 30, 2013

July 1 "Spaces Through Which God May Enter" Psalm 91:15

So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12.  This life is an unpredictable journey into the unknown.  It is not our life to keep up, is it?  It belongs to God.  And the Agent of our journey is the Holy Spirit.  We are not mere tourists here.  We have a Captain of our soul.  Our lives depend on the truth that God is with us.  He is behind, before, alongside.  Matthew says in his book:  "The emphasis is not forging ahead but our getting out of the way."

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust.  Psalm 91:1-2.  God will deliver you in your troubles.  He will set you securely on high.  He promises in Psalm 91:15 "Call upon Me and I will answer you; I will be with you in trouble."  Hard times and suffering and darkness declare the world's wounds to be Spaces through which God may graciously enter. Iain Matthew The Impact of God.


We pray for the work of the Holy Spirit.
The favor of our God on each of us.
Oh God, give us lives that reflect the Beauty of our God.
Establish the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17
You are an Impinging God intent on Unleashing Yourself in us. 
Iain Matthew from The Impact of God.

OVERVIEW: Psalm 90-95


  1. Let us sing to the Rock of our salvation. Come into His presence with thanksgiving. Declare His Lovingkindness when we wake recount and His faithfulness in the night hours.

    Sing and praise, remember and rest. We're not just to praise because we feel like it. Praise is a weapon against the devil. Praise shifts our focus to keep our heart full and satisfied.

    Since we've moved, I've gotten away from playing music in my house, but this weekend I returned to playing it. i've noticed it's almost impossible to be anxious and sing. These psalms remind me to center my heart on praising Him. He is worthy of my song. He is worthy of my focus.

  2. Today we are once again reminded about the power (and I believe healing) in praising our God. Let us enter His gates with thanksgiving.

    Praise is sometimes the forgotten weapon when we've done all we can do to stand against the evil one. Many times over the years, I have witnessed healing take place in people during praise and worship.

  3. I am floored how I can read this Bible every day and think that TODAY I have heard this for the most meaningful way for right where I am in the darkness I sit. He is here with me in all of this.

    On my way to Florida. My nephew asked me to do him a favor. Take his daughter to Florida to the beach. I can do this!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I wrote a comment a short time ago and it published as under the name Truth. Have no idea where that came from..trying again...this is Mary Lou..Bev, have a great trip. Be safe an have sweet fellowship.

    3. I wrote a comment a short time ago and it published as under the name Truth. Have no idea where that came from..trying again...this is Mary Lou..Bev, have a great trip. Be safe an have sweet fellowship.

  4. Have fun on the beach. You deserve a great getaway.

  5. This was a total surprise. The call just came a few days ago. Amazing gift.
