Read with me cover-to-cover in 2025. Start the Old & New Testaments together on January 1. About 3 chapters per day. About 15 minutes of your day. Join us as the axe of Biblical Love thaws the frozen parts (66LL) in our hearts. My focus in 2025 is counseling yourself from the Word. We average 60,000 thoughts per day. Take courage. Talk to yourself from Truth. I am more emotional and pensive and overly-sensitive than most. I need to know how to truly live.
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Saturday, March 6, 2010
March 7 ... Deuteronomy 24 - 27 "Remember"
Deuteronomy 24:22 "Don't ever forget that you were a slave in Egypt." Five times God said it. Remember life before the Exodus from Egypt. Remember how you promised to love and obey (Exodus 19:8). Remember what He has brought you from. "The real Exodus made it possible for My Spirit to circumcise people's hearts, to incline people to love Me, even when I don't satisfy them, because they have hope in My character." 66 Love Letters. Through it all, God is inclining our hearts to love Him even when our world is coming apart at the seams. I am learning a lttle better to live in the tension of what I see and what the Truth really is. Faithful is He Who called us and He will do it! (I Thes 5.24)
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I left a few comments on yesterday's post for those of you who responded yesterday. Today is Merry Nell's celebration service. She fought the good fight. She finished the race. She kept the faith. 2Tim 4:7. My prayer for each of you this day is that we may do just that---fight the good fight. May we not miss the real fight for worthless battles. I love how you all wrestle with our good God. It's such a blessing to walk alongside of each of you, fellow strugglers together. There's so much I don't get at times, even the readings today. But I see way too much of a "better life" Christianity versus how can I devotedly love my God? Too much of "be an overcomer" to your circumstances. We will be overcomers if we are attached to Him. What do we want more than the Love of God this morning? Kids to cooperate, ministries to grow, husbands to list goes on. No more.
ReplyDeleteDo you love Me?
Do you love Me?
Do you love Me?
John 21:15-17
People today don't seem to be asking too many questions about what's really wrong inside of them.
I finished a prayer journal today. Over 300 pages of prayers I've written to the Lord, and lessons the Lord has taught me over the past few years. I finished writing a prayer on the last page, and I was overwhelmed by the journey the Lord has taken me on with this journal.
ReplyDeleteAs I read through our readings for today, Deut. 26:5-10 jumped out to me because these verses give a very clear and concise history of the journey God had lead them through and what He had done. And, I couldn't help ask myself, as a flipped back over the pages of my journal: "Could I give a concise statement on what God has done for me?" Or would I ramble on and on telling stories and what nots about the journey the Lord has given me.
As I read back through my prayer journal it is clear what God has done for me: The Lord taught me how to pray, seek Him, find Him, and get to know Him. He taught me that my faith clearly impacts what He is willing to do in my life. He taught me that He is able. And most of all, He became victorious over my Fears and my Insecurities.
Woohoo!! May God receive the Glory!!! He is faithful to the faithless.
Have a blessed Sunday.
Bev, may God surround all of you with His Comfort. When my husband walked away back in July, I determined by God's guidance that I would not file for divorce. I want to fight the Good fight for my holy marraige. Fighting the Good fight doesn't look at the victory won this looks at the victory won for eternity.
ReplyDeleteRelationships are eternal...even if those relationships are severed in the after-life...we live on either in heaven or hell. What if one moment of fighting the Good fight meant another person turned to Christ?
"Things" are fleeting...
we may fight over an earthly inheritance (I've seen families break up over grandfather's tiller)...
we may fight over a parking space at the grocery store...
we may even fight over who didn't change the toilet paper roll.
But none of these things will ever matter in heaven. Let's lay it down...and fight the Good Fight.
Praising God for this woman of integrity and faith in this time when Jesus could ask our generation...
"Will faith be found?"
Thank you so much for the sweet words you posted yesterday. They were a blessing!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite place these days as we love our Lord and listen to His Love Letter to us.
9-10 Moses and the Levitical priests addressed all Israel: Quiet. Listen obediently, Israel. This very day you have become the people of God, your God. Listen to the Voice of God, your God. Keep his commandments and regulations that I'm commanding you today.
The word...innocence...keeps vibrating around me as I read all of these laws. Innocence is coming to an end. These people are now being given God's Rules. And the results of obeying them.
"Parents shall not be put to death for their children, nor children for their parents. Each person shall be put to death for his own sin."
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure this also includes our husbands. So often I feel I will be judged on my husband's actions. I needed to hear this today. I am only responsible for my own sin. Praise God!
Trying our best to fight the good fight is a lot easier alongside of each of you! Thanks again for all of your transparency, friends!
Have a great Sunday!
In His Love,
Angie xoxo
I'm trying to keep up...weekends seem to be hard. And yesterday there was that darn sinus headache, a.l.l.d.a.y.l.o.n.g
ReplyDeleteI know ALL scripture is profitable for my instruction...but some is more enjoyable to read. I see laws and commands and then this: "cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law by observing them." Deut. 27:26
Praise God then for this reminder in Galatians: "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us"...Gal.3:13
And then there is our enemy in 25:17-19. Amalek. Kay Arthur teaches that he is a type of our flesh. He attacked when they were tired and weary...and he did not fear God. Hmmm.
My flesh is what is wrong inside of me. My flesh...not that person I wish would move to China. My husband pointed out my anger yesterday. (couldn't he have waited until my headache was gone?!)
Bev, I saw where you wanted me to email you. I'm reading Beth's new book, Insecurity, and my first thought was, "Oh no, what have I done wrong on this blog." I'll email tomorrow, if that's to church now.
Yes, we love let's keep "feeding His lambs", "tending His sheep", and "feeding His sheep". I'm being fed by y'all.
FG (Forever Grateful)
FG - Oh my, you did absolutely nothing wrong! Not at all! Quite the contrary! You have been such a delight to all of us. Your insight is gripping. Your contributions are constant. Your wisdom is obvious. Your passion for God is just beautiful. Thank you very much for being a part and blessing us all. I have a "housekeeping" question to ask you. Does that raise your curiousity? Just e-mail when you can.
ReplyDeleteOK so as I read from Deuteronomy I just keep thinking words from Pastor Greg this morning as he taught from Genesis 22
ReplyDelete"The goal is to love family but to love God more than family and Trust God totally."
Yes, this is all I can write at this hour. Thank you for loving me just as I am.