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Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20 ... Judges 6 - 7 "God is with You, Mighty Warrior"

Judges 6:12  God appeared to Gideon and said, "God is with you, O mighty warrior!"  This so speaks to me that God calls frightful Gideon a mighty warrior.  A vision painted for this guy who knew those things were not coming from a good place in his heart.  Gideon replies in verse 13: "With me, my master? If God is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all the miracle-wonders our parents and grandparents told us about...I'm the weakest, I'm the runt of the litter." Sounds like Gideon wanted the good life here. God is about to change the motives of the mighty warrior.  The next 6 words from God make me want to stand tall:  "I'll be with you.  Believe Me..." (6:16).  And God proceeded to help Gideon learn to trust Him by reducing his army to 300---all the rest may go home....and Gideon went before God to his knees in prayer.  May the Truths that we read sink deeply into our repentant hearts (Psalm 51:6).  May we learn to think deeper than just the behavior we see.  Learning to live in the tension of what we see and what really is.  Finding a deeper trust in a good God in the midst of His Plan for each of us.  What is God doing that is reducing what I've trusted in?  "Oh for Grace to trust Him more..."  You Mighty Warriors!


  1. Blair's pathology report came back showing a singular nodule growth with abnormalities on her thyroid measuring 4cm. They won't say benign or malignant cause the biopsy is only a sampling. There is some concern but the surgeon said it was not horrendous. It is multiplying and needs to be removed asap. My nephew found a surgeon friend of his in Dallas and this surgical oncologist actually called me twice today to set up the surgery in Dallas. Deeply appreciate your prayers for my girl. She's doing well trusting her God. I so feel for my daughter to face this unknown. I think after reading today's passages that maybe God is reducing our health. IDK. This I know: "Oh for grace to trust Him more!" Thank you so much for praying for my daughter!

  2. Bev, just a quick note on the A.C. quote. There is a note in the front of the book that says it was impossible to identify all the quotations. The note said that she would quote from what she had been reading. That's all I could find.

    Let us know when Blair's surgery is. So glad He is your strength, your shield, your strong tower,your refuge, your hope, your joy, your peace, your EVERYTHING!

    Now, off to do my reading.


  3. Yes, Bev, He really is actively increasing our faith right now. That edge of the precipice where we are almost at hopelessness and despair IS the place where our
    faith and hope grows and is refined. I've prayed to be removed from trying times, but then I had to just go through them (am in one now). Crawl on your knees through this one if you have to, but keep on this path. God has a plan. You know your on the right road when you are suffering. God will bring you through this. I am praying for benign and a saving surgery. Blair, you are not alone. We will walk with you through this. God will lead us to a determined destination. We will not circle a mountain unless it is for Him to get us ready for this destination. Love you two women especially chosen and trusted by God to handle this testing today. Praying for a score of 100 - A+

    FG...I loved that quote you shared earlier about being Jonathan's. ty

  4. Judges 6:6

    "The People of Israel, reduced to grinding poverty by Midian, cried out to God for help."

    I'm so glad that God hears our cries. I'm listening to the audio tapes from Beth Moore on "Get Out of That Pit!"

    We have to cry out loudly to God for Him to deliver us. David was one of the best Bible characters at crying out to God.

    I love that God chose Gideon, a self-described "runt" to fight this army as numerous as the sand in the sea. Gideon was shocked that God chose him. Shocked.

    I feel that way. Me?

    Yes, me! And you, too!

    Each one of us is going through hard times that call for the mighty hand of God for deliverance. The question isn't, "Can He?" The question is, "Will we let Him use us?"

    Gideon is a prime example to us who feel too small to fight God's battles. We are too small. But God is the source of our strength and He leads us to our place of victory. He calls. We obey. Even if we are just runts in a land of giants.

  5. Thanks for the update, Bev. In my heart, I wish it was "better" news but am trusting in our sovereign God with you. Harry and I will be praying for Blair and her surgery.

    I love the story of Gideon because it shows the kind of people God can and will use to accomplish His purposes. Insecure, scared, and doubt-filled people. It's amazing to me that the all-powerful, all-knowing God of the universe would humble Himself so much in order to have a relationship with us. Wow.

    I pray that God continues to teach me to trust Him will all areas of my life. As Deborah said, He calls. I obey. May it be true of me, Lord!

  6. "Yet again"...they did evil and "yet again" God rescues.

    In 6:11,13, Gideon seems so forlorn and downcast and yet 6:11 says that God was already there. I wonder if Gideon was just going through the motions...7 yrs. is a long time. He wanted to know why they were being opressed and where were the miracles of old. Judges 6:8-10 tells us that God had already sent them a prophet to explain why. Did he forget or was he just so down that he couldn't remember? I can identify. And God is the lifter of my head.

    I love seeing how God works differently with the characters in the He takes into account their temperments, the circumstances, etc..He gives Gideon assurance all along the way. I have a note in my Bible that says in 6:34, "the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon" literally means that the SPIRIT OF JEHOVAH CLOTHES him WITH HIMSELF! WOW!!

    Seems like fear was everywhere. God let the men that were fearful go home and decreased the size of the army even more by testing their alertness. Guess God knew Gideon would question this strategy
    so he allowed him to overhear a dream in the Midianites camp. I love how Gideon heard that he was likened to a "loaf of barley bread." Talk about weak things.(1Cor.1:26-29) No matter...the tent would collapse and therefore Gideon WORSHIPPED. (7:15)

    Deborah, Cici...loved the reminder of God using "runts" and how He actually humbles Himself to have a relationship with us.

    Keeping Blair in my prayers. May He be her hiding place..."IN CHRIST" not near Him, in Him!

    FG Forever Grateful

  7. Bev,
    Praise God for the ability to know what is happening in Blair's thyroid. How amazing is our God that provides a surgical oncologist to help resolve the isseus. I pray for God's Divine Presence to hover over Blair and Bev espeically and also the medical surgical team and staff that will direct treatment. I pray that through it all Elohim, the most High God will be glorified.

    Just as you have blessed so many, I pray for God's amazing Grace and Peace to be your experience as you walk with God, Mighty Warrior, Bev and Blair and family.

    On my blog today, is my Sunday's Song seleciton from Wintley Phipps, It is Well with my Soul. Wintley provides a brief testimony then gives the quote below from his heart. "It is in the quiet crucival of my personal private sufferings that my noblest dreams are born and God’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what I been through." Wintley Phipps.

    Blessings to you today. Love you and so appreciate the love and support you provide to me through this blog.
