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Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19 ... Judges 3 - 5 "You Must Meet God Yourself"

Judges 3:4 "They were there to test Israel and see whether they would obey God's commands that were given to their parents through Moses."  And the next verse says:  the people of Israel made themselves at home.  Do I make myself at home in this world wanting way-too-much of the "good life."  Not wanting to suffer through another trauma, not wanting to endure when people don't respond like I think they should, not wanting to go unnoticed this day.  Just wanting things to be normal, a good life to honor God and be at peace.  What am I asking for?  Can God do less?  Six times in this passage, God "records that in His Anger He took away the good life the people were enjoying." (Judges 3:8)  But, "wrath is not my bottom line."  66 LL.  Heb 12:10 says "God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God's holy best."  I am so taken with looking at His holiness and my unholiness.  His Hope for me and for you as He reveals my motives.  So that the ways that I love my husband, my children, my family, my world is the Way He loves.  May I repent of what is there that wants to use God --- Crabb calls it "well-disguised motivation" for God to do what I want.  He must increase and I must decrease.  I loved it when Crabb said that your terror of misery is not sin but it's what drives me above all to secure the blessings of life for myself which is sinful.  I think I've thought that kind of terror was sin.  I really need people like you guys to walk with me to help me discern life and for your very lives expose my heart and offer grace and kindness and love.  There's so much I don't get in all of this.  But I've got Him.  I've got you.  And I'm so grateful!  A friend wrote to me today..."you must meet God yourself." 


  1. This morning we leave Fort Worth---didn't think about not having internet access. So sorry for the delays in posting. I'm back on schedule as of today. I so deeply appreciate all of you and your comments. You have no idea how much they mean to me and I hold on to them. It's not about being profound; it's all about the Spirit of God speaking through each of you. So open your mouths and start typing and share those comments! Psalm 81:10 - Open your mouths and I will fill it.

  2. I was having a difficult keeping it all straight and understanding what God wanted me to hear through Judges. I'm thanking God for 66 Love Letters. I wrote my thoughts here.

    Have a good weekend, friends!
    Angie xoxo

  3. In the first chapter of Judges, we saw that they did not drive out their enemies...they transgressed God's covenant..."Therefore the LORD left those nations, without driving them out immediately..."(Judges 2:23)

    Judges 3:1 tells us why: to test and to teach. Will I compromise like they did? What "enemy" will I allow to remain? Will I do battle with, the world, the flesh, the devil "according to the flesh" or with His weapons? (2Cor.10:3-5;

    Sin-bondage-repentance...a vicious cycle of defeat. And yet God is faithful.

    Othniel..."the Spirit of the LORD" came on him.

    Ehud...a left-handed man in a right-handed world. His handicap was used as an advantage. ox goad killing 600 men.

    Deborah...what a woman, so confident in the LORD and full of praise and thanksgiving..."Bless the LORD"...She was just so full of praise as she recounted all that God had done. She mentions the tribes that joined in the fight and the ones who had "resloves of heart" but decided to "sit among the sheepfolds". In other words, they did nothing! (Judges 5:15-16)

    "You must seek God yourself"...I agree, but I love this devotion by Amy Carmichael from "The Edges of His Ways":

    1Sam.23:16: And Jonathan, Saul's son, arose and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hand in God.

    "God make us all His Jonathans. There is a great hunter abroad in the world. Like Saul who sought David every day, he seeks souls every day, never a day's respite, always the hunt is on. Although the words stand forever, "but God delivered him not into his hand",
    yet sometimes souls tire of being hunted, and like David they are in a wilderness in a wood. Then is Jonathan's chance. But notice what he does, he does not so comfort David that he becomes necessary to him. "He stengthened his hand in God." He leaves his friend strong in God, resting in God, safe in God. He detaches his dear David from himself and he attaches him to his "Very present Help". Then Jonathan went to his house, and David abode in the wood-WITH GOD.


    FG Forever Grateful

  4. I'm back from Iowa. Thank you so much for your prayers for me and my friend Diana. I'm so glad that I went for her mom's funeral. I knew it would mean a lot to Diana, but I had no idea how much my presence would mean to her husband, sisters, and father - all unbelievers.

    God used a recent passage from Joshua to convict me of my sin and turn my attitude around. If you're interested in the details, check out the 3/18 post on my blog,

    I was telling my husband recently how much I have gotten out of this group and how much I see your hearts. Kind of ironic since Bev's the only person I actually know.

    I look forward the daily reading and then logging onto the blog to read all of the comments. It is the highlight of my day.

    In today's reading, the story of Barak stood out to me. (Chp. 4) Deborah sent for him and told him, "It has become clear that God, the God of Israel, commands you: Go to Mount Tabor and prepare for battle."

    Barak said, "If you go with me, I'll go. But if you don't go with me, I won't go."

    She said, "Of course I'll go with you. But understand that with an attitude like that, there'll be no glory in it for you."

    God's representative tells Barak to go, and he puts conditions on it. "Only if you go with me."

    I do that a lot, I think. I'll obey, but I want to put conditions on it. "Only if..." God is stripping that away from me and is using the readings and the posts of this group to get me to really examine what's going on in my heart. How much am I missing out on, like Barak? I don't want to miss out any longer!

  5. Cici, glad you're back safe and sound. I know your presence meant so much to your friend. My husband's mother died recently and an old friend of his came to the funeral. He hadn't seen him in years and it meant the world to him.

    Your comments are always a blessing.


  6. Cici, I think it is so good that you were able to be with your friend Diana as she faced her mom's death. Those are the times you hope you can be there. And I know it was a sacrifice on your part! You were a good friend to do that for her! And I'm sure God used your compassion and kindness to touch her family. Still praying that the words spoken sift down deep into thirsty hearts. Glad to have you back with us here...your thoughts always resonate with what we are all dealing with! Love to you, Bev

  7. Michele, have you been swamped? Been thinking about you and praying for you. Look forward to hearing from you! Love, Bev

  8. Ang - same here. i had difficulty keeping it all straight. and the emotion of all the motivations on top of it. you are always one honest person! love you, bev

  9. FG - Did Amy Carmichael quote that? My friend didn't know who the original person was that said it. I used to read Amy Carmichael a long time ago but haven't lately. Elisabeth Elliot researched her works for a few years and wrote a book on her. Elisabeth quoted her so much in letters she wrote to me and in her books. In fact, she sent me a letter today and I looked for an Amy quote but she quoted E.B. Pusey and E. Margaret Clarkson and George MacDonald. No Amy today. Her love of Amy Carmichael has touched me deeply. So is it an A.C. quote?

  10. Judges 5:31

    "Thus may all God's enemies perish,
    while his lovers be like the unclouded sun."

    All it took for God to return to the individual Israelite during this time of testing was for them to love Him.

    The spirit moved into battle when the man or woman of God chose to follow Him and reject the worship of idols. Or to reject the acceptance of the worship of idols.

    Ehud...he didn't just one day start making a double-edged short sword. He had a plan. And I thoroughly believe it was God's plan. God spoke to Ehud and told him what to do. Ehud knew that the nation of Moab had been given to them by GOD.

    Listen, listen to that still, small Voice in your soul. When He speaks to you, pay attention. Do NOT quench Him. He speaks to us right now that God cares for us. He tells us the way we should go. He shows us how to have victory against our enemies and it doesn't require a steel sword. It requires the Sword of Truth, God's Word hidden in our hearts.

    Deborah spoke Truth to Barak but he trusted more in her than in his own God. The victory for Israel came...but the enemy was killed by Jael...a woman...a homemaker.

    Let's do it, women of God! When no one else has the trust to believe God, we can! It doesn't take a giant of a man to defeat evil. A woman can have that victory by God's power. Listen, obey, fight, sing praise. Don't let anyone hinder you as you listen to what God speaks...don't even listen to your own internal defeating thoughts. That IS the greatest battle we fight today.

    We must meet God ourself. So true, especially in these last days. HE is coming again. Soon. You know He is calling out a band of believers right now that are ready to defeat the enemy. It will be a bloody battle in our own hearts first. But it will end in a victory unlike any ever seen before in the history of mankind. Be ready. Let Him start revealing to you what to do to make yourself ready. He has given the enemy over to our hand. He gives victory but we have to fight for it.

  11. What great insight you all have given to these Chapters. You just amaze me, and I am so amazed how the Lord has brought us together "for such a time as this."

    The verse that jumped off the page to me was Chapter 5:3b......"I will sing to the Lord, I will sing; I will make music to the Lord, God of Israel." NIV

    I don't know about y'all, but praise is a huge part of my walk with the Lord. It seems like I cannot go a day with spending time in worship songs and praising the Lord for what He is doing in my life.

    I am always in search for the latest worship song, and taking my Ipod wherever I go. I stream All Worship at my computer at work, and it just helps me stay "focused' on what the Lord is calling me to do each day.

    I wanted to share this song by Hillsong that has been by "anthem" over the past few days........

    Its just amazing and I wanted to share.

    Have a blessed weekend.

    Love You All,

