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Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15 ... Joshua 16 - 18 "Not without Pain, but without Stain"

 Joshua 16:10 "But they didn't get rid of the Canaanites who were living in Gezer."  God said He would eliminate the Canaanites for them.  The Israelites chose to tolerate the Canaanites and put them to forced labor.  Not enough.  Not right.  I've misunderstood the Promised Land for a land flowing with milk and honey and no conflicts.  No battles there.  Yet, they waged war battling kings who were giants in stature and strength, literally.  Living in the Promised Land was no piece of cake like I thought it would be, should be.  Wonder if I think my life would be better if my circumstances were removed this day...and friends and family treated me a little better?  One verse gives some insight as to why the Israelites wouldn't move in the direction of God's call to each of them.  Fear.  They were afraid of "iron chariots."  Wonder what ideas I hold this day that God will expose as my iron chariot?  And I just love that Joshua stood up to the Israelites and said in Joshua 18:3  "How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting off taking possession of the land that God, the God of your ancestors, has given you? Pick three men from each tribe so I can commission them."  Joshua got their hands and hearts moving in a good direction.   Without vision and leadership, the people perish. Face it. There will be pain in the battles we face.  "God Who foresaw your tribulation, has specifically armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain."  C.S. Lewis


  1. Joshua asked why some of the tribes were putting off the job of taking possession of the land - and the first thing I thought of was procrastination. Why is it that instead of just finishing the things we are not eager to do, we delay doing jobs that seem too large, too difficult, or even too boring? My prayer is for the Lord to open my eyes to the things in life I "put off" or show a lack of self discipline and poor stewardship of my time to, and that I will be held accountable for my time each day.

    Have a blessed week ladies!

  2. Great question Bev...what are my iron chariots that I fear? And I know I have some..just won't acknowledge them. And loved Kim's comment....Procastination is one of my biggest stumbling blocks....and I too need to pray that prayer she prayed to Him about that "awful" thing in my life for it does cause me to stumble. Thanks Bev and Kim.

  3. Loved your observation about the iron chariots - just another giant in the land, huh? You'd think these people would learn, right? I can't seem to learn after going around the mountain again and again on the same issues. Ugh.

    I do need to figure out what my iron chariots are. I think one is that I've lost hope that my sister will ever be different. Reconciling the relationship seems like so much work and emotional effort, and I have little hope of any payoff. But it's not about a "payoff", is it? It's about obeying God and allowing Him to do His work on MY heart.

    Am sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for a connecting flight. Going to Iowa for my best friend's mom's funeral. My friend, Diana, is not a believer but grew up in the Episcopal church. I don't expect to have any spiritual conversations with her tomorrow but am praying that I can show her (and her family) Christ's love in this time of grief and loss. Please pray for wisdom and grace on my part.

  4. Cici - Praying for you today. May the light of the Lord shine through you.

  5. Cici, praying for your visit with your friend for your presence and testimony to comfort and bless. I can't imagine dealing with death without being a believer. Safe travel, too. You're a good friend.
