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Friday, January 24, 2025

24 - “God Sees and Understands” Exodus 1-2

#24 God remembers to listen to our every moment. He sees and understands everything we face. Genesis 2:24 


The Providential Hand of God.  Just at the peak of Pharaoh's outrageous act to declare the execution of every Hebrew child born male.  Such a cruel act.  This Pharaoh forgot all about Joseph.  Feared the Jews would be too much for him to handle.  Thought they might just start a rebellion against him, against the Egyptians. So this unwarranted horrific act against all Hebrews.  Just at that moment in time.  A deliverer is born.  No match for Pharaoh.  Our God.

And a momma named Jochebed trusts God with this new life within her.  And she puts her little boy in a basket headed down river because Providence led her to do so. Can you imagine carrying a child for 9 months not knowing whether they would be a girl living in your household or a boy buried in a grave.  No sonograms.  Nine months of trusting God.  This baby boy was born to Moses' parents in their old age. They already had Miriam and Aaron.  Maybe this child was a surprise.

Moses is seen floating in a basket in the reeds of the Nile. Exo 2:5.
Moses is seen sitting by a well in Midian. Exodus 3:15

Obscure. Unheard. Sovereign Moment. 
Gossamer of Grace. 
Exodus 2:24 - 
God listened
God remembered
God saw
God understood...

Before I read today's readings, I asked God if He could send me anyone who understood my feelings right now with wrestling with letting my son go. My firstborn got married. I'm sobbing over here---just a mess of a mom. He's married. He just spent an hour with us before they left for a reception in California. He offered to fly me on his miles to San Francisco, California for his reception this weekend. I'm sobbing over here. I feel like I've lost my son. I don't know how to explain it. Does anyone understand? The only time I felt this way was the day I dropped him off for college. I cried all the way back from Nebraska. I guess it's allowing God to put closure on a chapter. Am I holding on it too tight? Yes. This was what we raised him to do. Cling to his wife not his Momma. I opened and read the Word and came to this God is listening and He understands. I'm struggling...and it's over something really good! He was just the greatest kid to me!

So … Take care to be servants of Christ and not servants of men and this world. Exodus 1:8 says that Egypt forgot about Joseph. All that good done in prison. Joseph meant nothing to the new king and Egypt became like a prison.  "Our great care should be to serve God, and to please him who is not unrighteous to forget our work and labour of love." Who am I serving?

PHOTO:  A place I go to where I think about this Providential God who listens and remembers and sees and understands. 

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