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Sunday, September 29, 2024

272 - “Tender to The Word of God” Nehemiah 9-10

 Revive us, O God, in your ways, the psalmist once said. “We will not neglect the house of our God.” Neh 10:39.  No hidden agendas in this crowd. All about advancing the Kingdom of God. Not about advancing own agendas. What stirs in me most deeply? Is it advancing God's Kingdom or my own? Is it about putting closure on these financial problems I have or revealing the character of God in the midst of them? Is it about getting people to recognize you, understand you, accept you into the "in" crowd or is it about revealing the Beautiful God for whom we live. 2,000 years pass and it's the same questons: Will you neglect the house of God? Will you neglect the temple of the Holy Spirit living in you? 

They were so tender to the Word of God ... they cried when it was read.
I just love that! And I so want that!
That I would cry more over the Word than over my circumstance.
And God said, don't grieve.
The joy of the Lord is your strength.
It is the strength that comes from knowing Him and His Word.
Make it your chief study again cause I need the Strength
that only He can give.  I just hit another low! 

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful picture of crying over our disobedience. We realize what we lost, and we can't stop the tears. The plans He has for us, the wonders in each day that cause our hearts to sing with gratitude, the joy of walking through life with a Companion that never leaves or forsakes. Why would we wander so far away?

    I didn't realize, Bev, that you were faithfully publishing here. I have missed your beautiful reflections and poetic writing. I feel your heart being poured out here, as you do so sweetly, as an offering and blessing to those who have the privilege to receive your gift.
