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Saturday, September 28, 2024

271 - “Read The Word of God Aloud Til It Shines Good Sense” Nehemiah 8


All the people gathered as though they were one in the square to read the Book. Nehemiah 8:1 Like friendly sardines in a can. Squished to gel as one. They implored Ezra to read on a soapbox. From Early Morning sunrise ... To the white hot Midday sun. Matthew Henry said it was an ordinance of God to read the Word aloud. Give sense to it. Understanding and good sense. "All that we hear must, however, be brought to the test of Scripture. They heard readily and minded every word. The Word of God demands our attention. If through carelessness we let much slip in hearing, there is danger that through forgetfulness we shall let all slip after hearing." Matthew Henry 

 Oh Father, I want to read the Word of God every day aloud and alive. Would you shine in us all good sense to understand. Help make sense of these lives of ours. 

 PHOTO: Early Morning. The break of dawn. The soap box. Ezra stands and speaks and makes sense of this life of ours til the sun settles directly over the square. Nothing. NOTHING. nothing. NOTHING. Nothing matters more to me than the Word of God. Allender told me I was violent with the word of God---so be it. Another one told me I wouldn't amount to anything much. Another one told me our lives didn't matter much for the Kingdom---too focused on sports. The only thing that matters is the Truth of the Word of God. And that's the soap box I am standing on.

1 comment:

  1. I. Saw the comment about sports involvement. My daughter was in rifle sports. She was very good won gold medals in some international matches and in some NCAA top events. To my horror a leader at our church at the time told her she could never be a good Christian if she didn’t give up sports. That caused all sorts of questioning about Christianity in her head and by college she had given up on church. Because someone who didn’t understand that God gives you talents/abilities and that you show people who God is by living it out daily in that life He gave you talents to be in, she constantly questioned whether she was a Christian, and if he was a leader then it showed either she could never measure up as a Christian or the Christian church was so messed up it had really ignorant leaders. She never came back to the Church and it has broken our hearts. I do pray constantly for her to see the truth and I do have hope God will bring her back some day!
    Thank you for you blog Beverly it has really helped me over the years. Do miss you and Bob. God Bless you and your family.
