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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 13 "Holiness or Home Improvement: Leviticus 1-3

The Lord spoke to Moses. He told him to tell the people to bring their offerings. In the wilderness where they wander. Not out of abundance. Out of obedience. Offering sacrifices---true religion. Their duty. Their honor. Their privilege. Their intimacy with God. Their communion with their Creator. And they all started with the fall of man. Yes, that was the first offering that occurred. And what about mine today? We no longer live as fallen men but redeemed. We offer our very lives.

You must not try to fit Me into the offering of your life, your plans. "Your plans are too small. You must fit yourself into Mine." 66LL. And what is God's plan for you and for me this day: to make us holy.

COME BOLDLY: Timeless Prayers
Father, make us a holy people.  The bottom line is You are Holy and we are not.  Help me this very day, this moment, to see things from Your Perspective not mine.  Slow us down to realize what we are really doing with this one holy life of ours.  

PHOTO:  I wept as we passed through this little mountain town called Smithville.  Wonder if the people who live here really get this holy life?  Wonder if I do?  And what were my tears for?  Not sure.  But they fell hard here.  All I could think about was the aloneness that consumed me---also about marriage, money, and cancer.  Overwhelmed in thought.  And it raises this question this day:  Do I want to be holy more than figuring out how to improve this situation in which I sit?


  1. Taking Our Sin Seriously

    Thankful this day for the Blood of the Lamb, the Perfect Sacrifice, once, magnificently, for all. Our Jesus.

    Our part of the equation:

    "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

    Sin is serious business. We cannot live in spacious grace if we are bogged down in darkness and separated from His Spirit. His Holiness requires purity. Let us enjoy the privilege of clean slate living in this post Cross era, where we can dwell intimately with Him all because of Jesus!

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