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Saturday, March 15, 2025

74 - “Falling. Forward. Fully. Following.” Numbers 30


Orders to divide up the land:  Check.
The people numbered:  Check.
Ready to enter a pagan land: Check.
So, what is their first MO to enter hostile territory.
A Battle Plan? 
No, it's
Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Yearly.
Take your religion with you into the place where you are going
and live to worship. “He shall not break his word." Numbers 30:2.  Every word that comes out must be true.  I caught a few words that slipped today.  Not accurate.  No laws here though.  Grace for the lips. 

No man can do it well before a Holy God.  They stayed on the wilderness path for four decades.  May your time be short in following fully a Holy God.  Where do I need to repent, turn around, forsake, lay down?

"They refused to walk the narrow road of belief that welcomes exposure of failure and conflict, knowing that God has a plan to overcome them."  God righted our wrongs once and for all.  And now forever.  Always righting our wrongs.  Always drawing us to Himself.

Thank you for exposing us for who we are----Whose we are.  Fully Yours, this day and forward.  Falling.  Fully.  Following.

PHOTO:  I looked over this city and wept.  How much more God looks over our world and weeps.  

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