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Sunday, March 9, 2025

68 - "Two Against 1 Million---Find God's Presence Your Home" Numbers 18

#68 Moses and Aaron against one million people. How do you know in your heart God brought you to this place and one million people do not know? #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
Two against a million.  Moses!  Aaron!  How did you know so deep in your heart that it was God Who had brought you to this place.  And the other million didn't know:  "Why have you, Moses, brought the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness that we should die here, both we and our cattle."  It's no place for anyone to live! 

So, what does Moses and Aaron do? They fall on their faces before God.

When the multitudes are against us, may we find Your Presence our home.

Aaron took his ministry seriously.
Don't be high minded of your leadership but fear.
Fear God and do his work.
The people under Aaron in Numbers 18
complained of all their problems and peril
in drawing near to God.
What about this? What about that?
God says---the priests will help you.
The priests have been given a great charge.
"The greater the trust of work and power that is committed to us,
the greater danger there is of betraying that trust." M.Henry

PHOTO: Looking out my classroom on a dreary day.  We all face wilderness wanderings.  How did Moses and Aaron push through and a million other people did not?  What were Moses and Aaron so convinced of?  This I know, they knew that they were thoroughly loved by God so they didn't need a million voices to approve of what they were doing.  

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