#62 The Lord matched their magnanimous offerings with his very own Audible Voice. Buechner says: If I see you, I experience you as an object in space. If I hear you, you bring me into the innermost secrets of who you are. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
In Numbers 7, every tribe brought magnanimous multiple offerings alike to dedicate the altar. Whether the tribe was large or small, they brought the same equal weight, equal size, to show their acceptance by God was not based on the quantity of their sins but the quality of the sacrifice. Silver plates; shekels numbering in the hundreds; sprinkling bowls galore; sacrificial livestock proud. And the Lord matched this grandeur with his very own Voice. Audible words from The Living Word.
Buechner, Frederick Whistling in the Dark
PHOTO: I heard an audible Voice one day as I walked this very beach. A young lady stopped my stroll and said: "I came up to this beach to read my Bible. And God just told me to stop you and tell you that this thing you are going through is from Him. He is with you. You are going to be okay." She could have never known. I faced the biggest crisis, the Greatest Divide, of my life. And matching the grandeur of the skies and sea, I heard an audible Voice from a mouthpiece of God. More than a match.
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