#57 Moses was a prince in a grant. Marshalled in rank and file. Moveable. Pitch your tent and pressd on. Pressing on for the prize of Christ Himself and that future state of ours. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
Someone said Moses wasn't a geographer, he was a prince in a grant. Mustered up hundreds of thousands of Israelites. Marshalled in rank and file, right into squadrons by Divine Appointment. And the followers, all 600,000+ pitched according to the standards. Unbelievable! The Israelites did everything the Lord commanded Moses; that is the way they encamped under their standards, and that is the way they set out, each of them with their clan and family." Numbers 2:34 !. So, what's the point here? It's our state in this world---moveable. We pitch our tents and press through no continuing city. May we live as fellow-pilgrims pressing on for the prize of Christ Himself and that future state of ours. Pitch together. Press onward.
PHOTO: Church of the Martyrs. May we all pitch according to the standards set. For His Glory
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