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Friday, September 6, 2024

249 - “Weep & Tremble For Those Who Will Not Weep & Tremble—-Struggle in Confusion/Wait in Hope” Ezekiel 33-36


Ezekiel was made a watchman over the country.  Ezekiel 33:7  .  Whether the response was positive or negative, Ezekiel went to serve.  For whom do I carry the burdens of this life?  These prophecies are to be chanted.  So that they may know that He is God.  This is Ezekiel's calling.  To warn sinners about imminent danger. 

"It becomes us to weep and tremble for those who will not weep and tremble for themselves."  Matthew Henry. mouths speak of love, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain." Ezek 33:30.

Men care more about the temporary than the eternal when they overlook settling their sins with God. 

One commentary talked about how they set watchmen to guard their houses but not their hearts.  When their happiness or misery is at stake, Matthew Henry says:  "they are offended if ministers obey God and give faithful warnings; they would rather perish listening to smooth things." 

"Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice 
and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice."
Ezekiel 33:30-33

All that happens any normal week of our lives---the cutting, the distractions, the heart piercing words flung your way. Cast them His way---the gracious providence of God. I Peter 5:5. Our Sovereign Savior. And He will order all events to convince you of his tender care for you and what happened. Because He cares for you so. Because good will come from it. Reassign every event to His Gracious determination, the Divine counsel.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

The God of all grace who has called you to His eternal glory will restore you and make you strong. If any still feel the stress of bittersweet Thanksgiving gone awry, stand firm in the true grace. I Peter 5:12. It is yours.  

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