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Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20 "A Stranger, A Sojourner" Psalm 37:39

I want this world to be perfect in every which way: family, friends, relationships, home, car, circumstances, money, job, entertainment, lifestyle, and oh, I could go on. Maybe not perfect, just complimentary. Really?
What speaks to my heart this day? What makes sense to me as I move into my world? Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart. It is transgression that flatters us in our own eyes. Psalm 36:1-2. We can have the good life here. We deserve better treatment than what we are getting. We make people want to pay for what they are doing to us. We have ceased being wise and doing good; we plan evil upon our bed. Not Good! Psalm 36:3-4

Do I despise evil? Or do I tolerate it? Do I dismiss it like a $5 parking ticket for my bicycle.

Don't fret.Don't be envious.
God will do it!

God will bring forth your righteousness, Psalm 37:6
as the light and your judgment as the noonday.

All of our serving and sharing and ministering
does not make us right with God. 

Rest in the LORD. Wait patiently for Him.                                                         Psalm 37:7  

Maybe, what makes sense to your heart is not right.
He is our strength in time of trouble. Psalm 37:39.

Rebuke me, O LORD, Psalm 38:1
for Your Hand presses down. Again. Psalm 38:2

Mourning. Sighing. Aloof. Afar.
I am a stranger. a sojourner.

Like all my fathers.  Psalm 39:12
You will let me start over again. and again.

And now, LORD, 
for what do I wait?
My hope is in You. Psalm 39:7
Not in my success or systematic theology or 
achievement or accolades or validation or victory.
I hope in You.  Psalm 38:15

OVERVIEW: Psalm 36-39

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