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Monday, June 10, 2013

June 11 "Hallow in Pain or Hold to Mercy" Job 35:17

Hushed in silence at the grandeur of God.
Hallowed in our own pain.
Hold fast only to mercy. 
According to Elihu, God seals the hand of every man.  Elihu makes it sound so right in places, but then again, so wrong elsewhere.  This isn't the inviting Hand of God.  This isn't the impinging Presence of God.  This isn't the surrounding Grace of God.  Elihu faults Job with complaining to God because Job did not have what he thought he should have in life---who loses 10 children in one day.  Elihu and many other people in our lives believe that Job should be thankful because he has it better than he deserves.  Wondering this day why people are so driven to figure God out, explain away the Mystery, defend what God is doing, protect God's reputation.  May we name the ways we try to fit God into our world.  With hands over our mouths, may we pause and reflect and repent of anything that uses reason to explain those things that cannot be nailed down.  May we name the ways we respond in our quest for removal of our afflictions.  May we name the ways we set forth and hallow the pain, our suffering, rather than holding to the mercy of our God.

OVERVIEW: Job 35-37

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