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Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4 ... Job 11 - 13 "Suffering Achieves the Well-Being of the Beloved"

Job 11:7 -  Zophar asks the rhetorical question:  "Do you think you can diagram God Almighty?"   And Job's friend answers his own question.  Do all the right things and you'll keep a firm grip---really?  Job replies to Zophar:  "I'm sure you speak for all the experts, and when you die there'll be no one left to tell us how to live."  Job put him in his place.  Job 12:4 - It is from God that we learn how to live and what to live for. 
Job 13:5 - I'm not taking a backseat to any of you. I'm taking my case straight to God Almighty;
  And what does Job ask of God:  Grant me this so I  will know that I count with you.  What is Job really saying?  If You give me what I want, then I know that I matter to You?  Lay off the afflictions; the terror is too much for me. Oh, I do know that statement.  The day I was diagnosed with cancer, I told God that he picked the wrong person---the terror was too much.  Like Job, my prayer request was self-absorbed.  A subtle demandingness that life goes well for Job, for me including the health part.  What is Job's definition of a good life?  What is my definition of the good life? Job 11:6 says we haven't gotten half of what we deserve---now that's true.  "Love seeks the deepest well-being of another.  If that requires suffering, then Love permits and, sometimes, brings about suffering.  But Love never allows more suffering than is necessary to achieve the well-being of the beloved."  66 LL.  HE is a Good God.  Phil 2:13 - There is an energy in you.  It is God Who is working in you both to will and do of His Good Pleasure.  HE is achieving the well-being of you, His Beloved!  I don't have to watch my own back anymore.  That is so tender and true. 


  1. I called my doctor yesterday and the nurse said "Good News," your tumor markers are very low and both tumor markers are within the normal range for the levels of cancer throughout my body and my level of breast cancer as well. So very very grateful at this one-year mark! Thank you soooo much for praying for me. I cannot thank you enough!

  2. Praise be to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for your good news.
    He is Everything,
    Donna Hazelwood

  3. Both you and Cathy heard from the doctor yesterday on where you stand. I am so thankful for your good news. I am thankful for Cathy's good report. You have had such a hard year, and you continue to take your heart to His Feet, to reflect His Love in your pain, to encourage others to stay faithful. You reflect His Love so beautifully, my friend. I love you, Bev, and I claim Jeremiah 29:11 over you and know His Plan A is doing its work in you for a magnificent Hope and future.

  4. Job's friend, Zophar, is Exhibit A in how Christians counsel others in crisis and go wrong. He grows impatient with Job and says, "Do you expect us to just sit here and listen?" Well, yes, Zophar, your silence would have made you look wiser than your puffed out words.

    Note to self: Silence is okay.

    Job doesn't keep telling and retelling his story--after he's shared with them (to no satisfaction) he proclaims "I'm taking my case straight to God."

    Second note to self: Start with God--take my case STRAIGHT to God.

  5. So glad to hear the news, Bev! So grateful for the good report.

    As Annette said a couple of days ago, I've been Job's friends. I've said all of the stupid things to other people that they say to Job. It's good for me to see myself in Zophar and the "wisdom" he spouts. Very humbling.

    Yet I find that I get really annoyed when others do the same thing to me.

    In fact, someone did it to me today, and I had a really bad reaction. I needed this person to be silent and listen and understand, and instead I got plenty of unwanted advice.

    I totally understand Job's response, "I'm taking my case straight to God, I've had it with you."

    Lord, I confess my sin of giving unwanted advice and conventional wisdom when I should have kept quiet. Please alleviate the pain that I've caused in my effort to "help" others. Thank you for showing me this so clearly through this reading.

  6. so grateful for the good report...praising Him with you. and I agree with keep taking your self to His throne and laying prostrate before it and He keeps meeting you and blessing you. Needed to hear some good thankful and you..

  7. Bev - What exciting news from the doctors. I am rejoicing with you this weekend!!

    In our readings of Job 11-13, I could not help but be reminded of Paul's statement before his trial.

    Job 13:16 states "Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance....."

    Phil 1:19 states "for I know through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.

    Trusting the Lord no matter what. I am challenged to approach life as Job approached life, and as the Lord asks us to approach each day:

    Taking life one day at a time and without complete answers to all life's questions. Trust God, no matter what.

  8. God is greater than cancer and I am so thankful for you and your good news.

    Truly, we need a pilot on here to grab us all for a time to celebrate with you.

    Wouldn't it be nice to get together for a final celebration at the end of this year?

    I'm thinking someplace deep in the mountains with a roaring fire and a huge great room for us to have a time of sharing and thanksgiving.

    This is a life-changing place with a life-changing author and a life-changing GOD.

  9. Bev, so grateful for that news! I have been moved by the way you talk about your greater battle with "cancer of the soul." Crabb says in 66LL that holiness is God pouring His life into us and it's so evident that you desire that. Continued prayers for you my friend!

    I honestly see apects of myself in all of these characters (except Job's wife). God seems to make sure that there are times I receive some of the same 'wise counsel' I've given others. I so desire to be a compassionate friend.

    "I wish he'd show you how wisdom looks from the inside, for true wisdom is mostly 'inside.' (Job 11:6a) Yes, and Zophar sure lacks it for it is a matter of the heart...a heart that beats like the Saviors and I want that.

    "But you can be sure of this, you haven't gotten half of what you deserve." (Job 11:6b) PRAISE GOD!


  10. fg - those verses you put down are awesome!

  11. thank you ALL for rejoicing with me at my one year mark and it's a good one whether the tests come back + or - ... it's a good one cause I've found my way back home---and it's not here on earth!

    "You have been graced with a disaster that your soul required to find its way back home." SJoC
