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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21 ... II Kings 1 - 3 "Don't Make My Goal: Change Bad to Good"

2 Kings 3: 16-19 - He then said, "God's word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Here's what will happen—you won't hear the wind, you won't see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals will drink their fill. This is easy for God to do; he will also hand over Moab to you. You will ravage the country."  Not sure how God will fill the ditches with no rain, no wind.  Not sure how God will work things out in our lives this day in the midst of strained relationships and empty pocketbooks and serious health issues.  But this I know and am convinced...He is here and He is working in our lives. 66 LL: "My plan is moving ahead in the worst of times. Don't make it your goal to change bad things to good.  Pray for that, of course, and do all that you can to improve the world in which you live.  But above all else, seek to know Me better and to represent Me well in every circumstance, no matter how you feel."


  1. Well, it happened again. I did the post last night at 10:02pm but hit the wrong button again. Thought I published it but it was in the draft. I'm on different people's computers and not reading them real well. My apologies for not having it up. Update on Blair: She slept well last night. She's in a bit of pain but that's to be expected. The incision site of 4-5 inches was much larger than expected. She's handled it oh so unbelievably well. Plus age is on her side for healing and she's in His Hands trusting with lots of courage. Couldn't have gone any better and we are grateful to God for exuberant healing! She's a brave girl with faith that touches this mom's heart.

  2. I am happy to hear your daughter is recovering and the surgery was a success. You have a wonderful attitude towards all the trials in your life. Thank you for allowing God to work in you and for having the courage to share your life with us. You give me inspiration and hope.

  3. 2 Kings 2

    "And so it happened. They were walking along and talking. Suddenly a chariot and horses of fire came between them and Elijah went up in a whirlwind to heaven. Elisha saw it all and shouted, "My father, my father! You—the chariot and cavalry of Israel!"

    Oh, to have been there to see Elijah caught up into heaven!

    "Swing low, sweet chariot...comin' for to carry me home..."

    Would you be ready?
    Would you be ready if Jesus came for his bride today?

    Elijah was something else. My 86 year old father tells that Elijah's stories are the ones he remembers so vividly the memories of his mother reading them to him. These stories affected him greatly...building great faith into him at an early age.

    They excite me today! The story of the saturated altar blazing it's offering...and then these stories today...

    Can you just imagine???

    Oh,for just a tiny blaze in our own hearts for this kind of passion and power for our God! I sit here right now feeling sadness over my personal life. But when I read these stories, I am excited about what God can do with our little faith.

    O ye of little faith?


    O me of great faith!!!

    Eyes on Jesus. Not on our circumstances.
