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Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2 ... I Samuel 21 - 23 "What Does Holiness Look Like"

1 Samuel 21   14 -16 David continued to live in desert hideouts and the backcountry wilderness hills.  Not exactly how anyone chooses to live.  Wonder what David wrestled with with God.  Wonder what he really thought about being abandoned to hideouts?  His friend Jonathan drops by to "encourage him in God."  How do you do that to people?  While Saul chooses the best 3 companies to capture and kill David.  In 24:4 David cuts off a piece of the robe of King Saul to prove "I'm no rebel."  Look at the evidence.  David could have killed Saul.  "I'm aware that things go wrong in your life, that family and friends don't aways treat you well...I grieve with you over the pain that life causes you.  BUT our priorities differ.  You ask what will work" [to get out of living in desert hideouts/ to right the wrongs David suffers/ to see that things go as they really should go/ for a safe place].  I want you to ask what holiness would look like in your situation.  What does holiness look like when you have cancer?  What does holiness look like when friends disappoint you beyond belief?  What does holiness look like when my family minimizes who I am?  What does holiness look like in my situation this Good Friday?  What did holiness look like in Jesus as He was nailed to the Cross today for me and you? 


  1. Sometimes I have thoughts, feelings that I just can't put into words. Sometimes a song says best what is in my heart.


  2. What a great question, Bev, on this Good Friday. What does holiness look like in my situation?

    Harry and I have spent the morning discussing that question. We got some very disappointing news last night and have been wrestling with both God and ourselves.

    Thank you for the reminder today about what is important and what is not. We don't want our circumstances to dictate our feelings, responses, or attitudes. We don't want to just make life work; our desire is to walk with our God and to be holy.

    Happy Easter!

  3. 1 Sam 23
    "Saul was out looking for him day after day, but God never turned David over to him."

    This thought, that God was hiding David from Saul, reveals a TRUTH that God is in Control.

    David has retreated from the murderous Saul. Praying for guidance and direction, he flees. He battles the Philistines and runs again at God's direction.

    God is in control.

    I never notice that David doubts God is in control. He never once feels like God has forsaken him. He is tired of the cat and mouse game with Saul, but not tired enough to kill Saul when given the opportunity.

    Holiness? I don't see it in Saul. I see it in the priest who was killed by Doeg. He told Saul how good David was. He is slaughtered for helping and praying with David.

    I see holiness in David, when he could have killed Saul easily in the cave. But he couldn't go against God and kill the king of Israel.

    So much to learn.

    What does Holiness look like?

    To me, it's denying self and following Christ.

    No matter where, why or how.
