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Monday, March 8, 2010
March 9 ... Deuteronomy 30 - 31 "What Deeply Encourages Me"
Deuteronomy 30:4 No matter how far away you end up, God has compassion and He will get you out of there. I ended up pretty way out far in my 20's. I remember kneeling in a little chapel on my wild university campus the night of my 21st birthday---I was half drunk. He got me out! It took a while. Little by Little. He will cut away thick calluses off my heart. Still is doing just that. Hold nothing back 30:10. Live exuberantly 30:16. Choose life. Listen obediently. He won't let you down. Be strong. Take courage. He's not the one leaving. I spent way too much of my Christian life pulling myself up by my bootstraps. What does it look like to live holy in my situation this day? What does it look like to love? Look at Moses. He is about to die knowing that the legacy he is going to leave is going to rebel pitifully. God just told him. What you've spent your last 40 years wandering in a wilderness for is not going to happen and furthermore, the people you lead (31:18) will rebel. And God says He will hide His Face from them because of all their wickedness in turning to other gods. Don't be discouraged Moses as you face your own death---you don't enter the Promised Land and you don't leave a people full of faith because of your leadership. So what encouraged Moses? His relationship with His Deliverer, His Healer, His King, His Blessed Assurance, His Sovereign, His Rescuer, His Friend, His Lover, His Mighty Strong Good God. 31:6 - "Be Strong. Take Courage. He will never leave you."
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Moses surely didn't seem discouraged as he told them God had shown him he was about to die and his life work to get the Israelites free from their own rebellious selves was in vain. Moses understood it was not his work, but God's to continue. He was the vessel, not the one in charge. What a good leader Moses was as God's instrument, not entangled in his own achievement or pumped up from his closeness to God, or even discouraged that he wasn't able to get the job done.
ReplyDeleteI wonder as God told Moses to tell Joshua, "Be strong. Be courageous" if He wasn't encouraging Moses, too, because later God commanded Joshua directly "Be strong....(v. 23) Moses could say, "Joshua, God is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you. Don't be intimidated. Don't worry" BECAUSE he stood on his own history of God's faithfulness throughout his life.
And I love the mental imagery of The Message's words, "God is striding ahead of you" and the promise, "A fresh start." Today's a new day. May we return to Him again, and He'll do the rest.
I too was rescued by God in my 20s. I wasn't even looking for Him, so I thought. Yet at 27, He invaded my life and I've never been the same.
ReplyDeleteMoses amazes me with his trust in his God. Is it because he saw God face-to-face? Does that make it easier for him than for me? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.
I can only imagine the disappointment he felt to know that his life's work, by human standards, was a failure. I don't think I would handle it so well. But as Bev reminded us earlier in this book, Moses put first things first. God first. The promised land and successful leadership were second things.
Oh, how I want to put God first and all other human goals and desires second. I keep reminding myself that a great marriage, God-fearing children, healthy finances, good relationships with family, etc. are second things. They are NOT my goal. God first. Matthew 6:33
I love the reminders in these chapters of what God has for us if we obey and walk with Him. Lord, that's what I want.
"And it's not across the ocean—you don't have to send sailors out to get it, bring it back, and then explain it before you can live it. No. The word is right here and now—as near as the tongue in your mouth, as near as the heart in your chest."
ReplyDeleteThe song on this callused heart is The Revelation Song ... "who was... and is... and is to come"!
I'm so grateful I didn't have to go searching for Him. He found me in the saddest, worst season of my life. I hope the words that come out of my heart and pass my tongue bless those around me and encourage them, so they will know He can be trusted.
Moses - Hebrews 11 - "BY FAITH..."for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible"...
ReplyDelete"Well done good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things"...Moses was faithful in the journey mapped out for him. (a few things?!?) Not perfect, faithful.
"with all your heart and soul" other words: MEAN IT! Tell Him if I don't and wrestle 'til I do.
And this..."I know the inclination of their behavior today, EVEN BEFORE I have brought them to the land"...and still God goes before them, with them, won't leave or forsake them.
I thought of the words in the song "I Bind Unto Myself the Name".
Christ be with me,Christ within me.
Christ behind me, Christ before me.
Christ beside me, Christ to win me.
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger.
Christ in hearts of all that love me.
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
The second verse of the song speaks of "the power of God to hold and lead...His eye to watch, His might to stay...His ear to hearken to my need." The whole song just spoke to my heart today.
..."cling to Him, for He is your LIFE and length of your days"...30:20
..."set your hearts on all the words...all the words of this is not a futile thing for you, because it is your LIFE"...31:46-47
"Read Deuteronomy and realize that no one can please me unless I put the LIFE of my Son, who always pleases Me, into their hearts." pg. 20 66LL
God wants me to quit trying to live the christian life for Him and let HIM live HIS LIFE through me.
Blessings to each of you on this journey!
These four words just overwhelmed me tonight:
ReplyDelete"Love God, your God."
I stand before Him, weak and trembling today. It's been a hard year.
But through all of my moments of living this life I'm in right now, God has been so good to me. Some things we go through are meant to grow us and ground us in our faith. The curse of God is always a plea to the sinner to "Come home!"
Anywhere we are away from Him is a dark place. Not a sheltered place. A dark place.
And for me, when He commands me to "Love God, your God," I have to trust that. Nothing we go through is meant to draw us away from Him.
I'm not happy to be going through a separation with my husband, but the peace and love of God has been my constant support.
I love You, God, my God.
Deborah, you make me say so that's what life is all about...trusting a good God in the midst of all He allows. You wear Him well! You love and honor Him so! Love you so!