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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 31 ... I Samuel 15 - 17 "Five Smooth Stones"

I Samuel 15:14  Samuel said, "So what's this I'm hearing—this bleating of sheep, this mooing of cattle?"  (Instead of doing what God asked, Saul saved a few sheep to offer sacrifices to God.  Makes me think of how we (in the church) blame things on God.  God told me to do this .... . God doesn't want sacrifices.  He wants you to listen. I Samuel 16:7   This is not about how good our lives look. "God looks into the heart."

Meanwhile Goliath was taunting the troops of God-Alive.  Not a good idea.  I Samuel 17:47 God doesn't save by means of sword or spear. My battle belongs to God."  So pick up 5 smooth stones, I Samuel 17:40,  and watch what God will do.  Immeasurable Strength.  Unshakeable Hope.  5 smooth stones will kill the10-foot giants in my life, in your life. God delivers.  The truth is God-Alive is in me. God-Alive is in you. Our Great High Priest is at work in us this very morning. Do I hear the bleating of sheep in my life?  God-Alive is there to fight our battles.

My prayer is that we all listen to the word of God.  Your words were found and I ate them and they became the joy of my heart. Jer. 15:16. 


  1. Saul learned the hard way-partial obedience is disobedience. He even was proud he'd done as Samuel had instructed but he left out details, that told of his hear's condition:

    "He wants you to listen to him!
    Plain listening is the thing,
    not staging a lavish religious production.
    Not doing what God tells you
    is far worse than fooling around in the occult"

    For ears to hear and a heart that fully entrusts and obeys! I need more of His anointing to do this. Too much of self still exists in my. My first reactions are often my own.

    And brave David enters the picture, a contrast in kings so refreshing. His simple understanding that armor wasn't what he needed to face Goliath. He only needed the Lord's help and a single shot between the eyes to fell the mighty giant.
    And he played the harp to soothe Saul's tormented darkness. Having known the fullness of God's anointing, it is a dark place when you feel the absence of God. Usually it isn't God who has moved-it's us. God would have still been there for him had he looked to him for his direction and obediently followed. He grieved Samuel and he grieved God. Blessed is the man who listens to His Voice and follows whole heartedly after Him.

    Tomorrow I'm on the road to Ft. Worth to pick up my girl for Easter. Don't miss the work on the cross before you celebrate. Walk with Him a few hours these next few days. Experience His suffering to know the Sunday victory even sweeter. Take off your shoes-you are standing on holy ground. Blessed week of Jesus's journey to pay for our salvation. Love you guys.

  2. I amen everything you wrote Bev and I echo what Annette wrote and amen it too. Blessed Easter to all. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Love you..Mary Lou

  3. What would be my five smooth stones?

    To slay my giants?

    Obedience to God.
    Reverence of Him.
    Faith in Him.
    Passion for Him.
    Dependence on Him.

    Add if you have any stones.

  4. 1 Samuel 17:47 has been a favorite passage "All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."

    After reading Bev's amazing entry for all then the response from Annie, Mary Lou and Twinkle there is nothing I can add but only say Amen.

    Twinkle the naming of your five stones are the same as mine would be. I believe in those stones is the path to holiness. A deep seeded belief and trust in God can and will do what he promises to do in His Word.

    Basically I think I know who I am and realize it is only in God's power and strength I can accomplish anything worthwhile. However, sin is all to present in my daily life. Holy Father forgive my ... sins. Lord, in word and in deed it is only by your power that I can be HOLY as you are HOLY. With this holiness God definitely handles my battles but I must be willing to turn my control of my life over to HIM who loved me so and Died just for me.

    What a blessed reminder for This 2010 Holy Week.
