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Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29 ... I Samuel 9 - 12 "We Have A King"

I Samuel 11:13  "So here's the king you wanted, the king you asked for. God has let you have your own way."  Why did they want a king? They already had a King. Why do we want someone to follow?  Why do people gravitate to those who are successful?  God is a gentleman---He won't force Himself on us.  If we want to walk by sight, not by faith, He lets us choose the path

I Samuel 10:6 - You'll be transformed when you follow God.  You'll be a new person.  And if we are aren't being transformed, then we have to ask ourselves if we are following God's calling.  Saul moved quickly to follow God but found himself hiding in verse 22 in a pile of baggage.  I wonder why.  Don't chase after ghost-gods.  What would be a ghost-god to us today?  Success in ministry or raising children.  Ambition that leads to making a name for ourselves.  Wonder why our culture adores celebrities, even Christian ones.  We are such a celebrity-conscious community. 



  1. I Sam 10:7 "Whatever job you're given to do, do it. God is with you." Help me to do the job you've given me and not want what I perceive as a better job, or look at someone else's job and compare mine with theirs. May I be faithful to do what you've given me to do, it has purpose.

  2. I love how God took care of every minute detail to confirm to Saul he would be king. He worked through the prophet Samuel to give the message and to annoit Saul as king of Israel. It makes me realize, no tiny detail in my life is overlooked by God. He really cares and wants me to do my best as a servant leader. I pray my eyes, ears and heart and tongue will be ready to receive His instruction.

  3. Same as Nise'. "Whatever job you're given to do, do it. God is with you!"

    I'm sitting here preparing to go meet with my sister. This is the job my God has given me today, and I will do it. God is with me.

    Thanks for your words, Nise', because I've been wishing that I had a different assignment.

    I don't feel anxious or nervous. It's occurred to me recently that I am almost out of hope for my sister. Yeah, I know God can do miracles, but I don't hold out much hope that she will allow God to change her heart toward me. I pray that I'm wrong.

    I don't normally wear perfume, but today I'm wearing Chanel No. 5. It's my reminder of the first five fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness. These are the qualities that I'm praying for God's Spirit to produce in my life, specifically tonight. I know it's not about me manufacturing it but allowing God's Spirit to have full reign in my thoughts, words, and actions.

    I've been thinking about Bev's questions, in particular "what would bring me to tears?"

    If my sister were able to own her part of this conflict and see her contribution to it, that would make me cry. Not necessarily for my vindication, but I feel like that's the first step in her healing from the deep-seated bitterness and envy she has carried against me for decades.

    I want her to be whole and healed, but blaming everyone else in our family has been her usual program. I want to believe God for more this evening, but I'm anticipating more of the same. I know, me of little faith...

    Lord, help my unbelief. I pray You will give me Your listening ears, Your compassionate heart toward Stephanie, Your discernment as I filter what I hear, and complete awareness throughout the meeting of all that You have sacrificed and done for me. Nothing You ask of me is "too much" or "too hard", especially with Your Spirit within me. I pray that I will fully yield all of me to You.

  4. Praying for you, Cici.

    Sad that Israel already had the God of the Angel-Armies but they still desired to be like the other nations and get themselves a king.

    I feel like we are back at the beginning of Israel in Egypt...someone ruling over them.

    I keep listening to Dr. Crabb talk about our desires not lining up with God's.

    He gave them their king. Father in heaven, protect us from our internal desires that go against Your Plan. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  5. Oh Cici, I have tears of joy streaming down my cheeks for you right now. I've been singing the old Hillsong song for you "From the Inside Out"--- oh my soul cries out. Consume me from the inside out Lord. Let justice and praise become my embrace. Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
    Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame. And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
    From the inside out Lord, my soul cries out." That is so you!
    Your life so cries out for holiness from the inside out! Prayed for you tonight several times that what God stirred up in your heart will return to Him in praise as you ask what is holy in this situation that will please the LORD of my life? The 1st paragraph on p. 39 that starts with: "I'm aware that things go wrong in your life..." look at the last sentence. I have always been so moved by your life that so cries out for holiness. It's how I would describe you! Just wanted you to know that I have no words of advice but just a promise to walk with you through this very hurtful situation and pray for you to find the beautiful God that so lives in you! Lots of love coming your way from the south side of town, Bev
