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Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12 ... Joshua 5 - 8 "Fight the Right Battles"

The conflicts in the Promised Land begin.  But the real conflict is within them and you and me.  Within.  66 Love Letters:  "Loving Me and becoming holy requires that you realize there is an enemy within you who will cause you more trouble than all the enemies outside you, than even the devil."  Are we fighting the right battles? Fight the good fight.  Finish the race.  Keep the faith.  2 Tim 4:7.  Do we hate what is opposed to God?  I've so been surprised this week at the tone of my voice in dealing with some issues with friends---I've so wanted to make my point with grace.  Not right with God. 

Joshua's men couldn't defeat Ai.  Was Joshua concerned for God's reputation or his own?  "Maybe we should have stayed on the east side of the Jordan," said Joshua.  God says: "Get up!  Why are you groveling?"  Purify your people.  Purify yourself.  Praise God that His Holy Spirit does that for us. He is so Good!  I've been groveling today over an incident.  But I've been at war in my heart over the injustice and distance that it caused in my kid.  But what about dealing with the fray of my own heart?  I've been so concerned about what this look like to others rather than trusting God to accomplish His plan of Love through this most difficult situation.  And His Plan of Love requires "hating everything in you that is opposed to Me, everything about you that wants someone or something besides Me to have first place in your life.  You'll need help discerning what that is."  I've finally found a couple of trusted friends who help me discern what really is going on inside of me.  Do you know how you come across?  Do you know what you leave people with?  It will involve "exhausting battle and humbling failure" to wage that war.  May you find help in discerning His Plan of Love for you.  Make sure you are fighting the right battles. Achan preferred "blessings to battle."  Fight the good fight. Finish your race.  Keep the faith.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua 5:13 And then this, while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, "Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies'?"

    14 He said, "Neither. I'm commander of God's army. I've just arrived." Joshua fell, face to the ground, and worshiped. He asked, "What orders does my Master have for his servant?"

    15 God's army commander ordered Joshua, "Take your sandals off your feet. The place you are standing is holy."

    Joshua did it.

    Just look at Him.
    Just look at Him!

    He has arrived and He is ready to do battle. Who's side is He on? He is on GOD's side!

    He appears right in front of Joshua. And He has a drawn sword.

    He is ready to fight.

    As I read these chapters I notice that WAR is the theme. We are at WAR. We battle daily against the flesh, against our own sins, against outside forces. Spiritual forces and human forces.

    The Master has come to fight for GOD's victory in your life. He does not choose between "us" and "them." He is on GOD's side.

    If I see my battles as being mine to win...or mine to win through Him...I have lost out. This is not about me winning a battle. It is about choosing GOD's side in the things I battle daily. I must have discernment to know GOD's purpose. He doesn't want me distracted like the Israelite who stole the robe, the silver and the gold. Coveting gain. He wants me to choose with a heart of purity. He wants me to obey Him. He wants me to be on the side of righteousness. Even if we have to fight against the cancer of sin as a community. Sin has no place in this plan.

    Can we look beyond our own earthly needs and desires and see the heavenly battle going on?

    GOD has come. He is waging war against the enemy to our souls and against our own fleshly altars we build to honor ourselves.

    I am undone. I am a woman of unclean lips. As I stand in the presence of this Captain...I am overwhelmed with my own unrighteousness. This is holy ground. LORD, I choose to stand and fight by Your side.

    I choose love over hate.
    I choose a soft answer over wrath.
    I choose courage to be found faithful in a nation of perversion.
    I choose to give as an act of worship instead of half-heartedly laying my offering...tossing Your Feet.
    I choose to reach out in Christ's Name instead of being chained by my own fear of failure.
    I stand by Faith. On GOD's side.
    Who is like the LORD???

    He gives me strength and courage to battle against evil. He WINS every time!!!
