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Friday, February 14, 2025

45 - “What Is My Worst Problem” Leviticus 3-4

#45 Leviticus reveals what is most wrong in our lives that blocks our joy.  Holiness.  We want God to solve our problems but we have a worst problem—-distance from God. Don’t keep your distance. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself


Leviticus 3:16 - "...Fixed rules down through the generations..." How can they possibly remember all of this as it wasn't written down in a book for them to review daily. Loved the last line of Love Letters: "Leviticus reveals what's most wrong with you that blocks your joy." What is it???? Holiness---"The toughest part of My Plan is to make you holy. You want me to solve your problems, but you don't know what your worst problem is. You don't yet realize that distance from Me is the most lethal problem you have." I will hold that word--- "distance" ---close to my thoughts and heart this day. How do I distance myself from friend and foe? Do I distance my thoughts and worries and decisions from my God? The nearness of God is my good (Psalm 73:28), not distance. So what does that look like this day?

PHOTO: The desert they lived in. The sand castles they built. Even castles crumble.

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