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Monday, February 10, 2025

41 - “Stirred Up In A Wilderness” Exodus 35-37, Matthew 25

#41 God put in their hearts to work and it stirred them up in a wilderness. Exodus 35:34. What an exact work ethic! Do we approach our tasks this way? A debt of love not a debt of labor. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself


What zeal!  What work ethic!  What thoroughness! Do we approach our tasks this way, knowing it is for God?  Wonder why.  They brought so much to build the temple that Moses had to restrain them to stop. Exodus 36:6.  Moses could have kept the profits in his back pocket, his back neighborhood. Could have stored it up, in a wilderness, for the next job. No, The Lord put in their hearts to work, and it stirred them up.  Exodus 35:34 - God put in their hearts to teach how to perform like this.  I mean, who had ever built a tabernacle before?  And the wilderness is not exactly where the best supplies could be found.  Never the mind, they set about to do their exact work.  Whatever God has stirred in our hearts, may we run to do the work out of a debt of love not labor.  Here it is.  The visible testimony of their love of God.  And one day that Love walked this earth, the Living Word.  Word made flesh, and He still tabernacles among us.  

One quote keeps stirring in my heart.  As these craftsmen worked their labor of love, as I work out my labor this very day, may we all hear together that One Thing that a man in a wilderness longs for----"not relief from the misery, although that would be nice, but Hope---Hope of intimacy and Meaning, and Joy forever, in relationship with God." Larry Crabb.  It's a man-made tabernacle but God lives there.  And He tabernacles today inviting us into a deeper relationship with Him than we had yesterday.  May we never stay the same but move on in this wilderness.

Matthew 25:21- "You have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your Master."

Matthew 25:25 - "So, I was afraid..."  The servant did nothing with what he was entrusted. The Redeemer had given him just a little.  The servant should have, at least, invested the one talent given to him by the One who owned him.  Do I live afraid to take the risk with the investment of what God has given to me?   The Parable of the Talents does not imply that by improving our talents, our abilities, our resources, we are then entitled to Divine Grace.  We are all called to be servants of our Redeemer promoting ourselves---No!---promoting His Glory.  There's a Grander Story here than just our story.  We are constrained by the Love of Christ, controlled by His Love, to live no longer for ourselves.  Am I willing to take a risk to invest in Eternity?  These words come to mind again this week:
"Faith as I'm growing to understand it more, is about looking beyond my circumstances to a person. To have faith in better circumstances, even in God creating better circumstances, is not true faith. I want to be the kind of man who can watch every dream go down in flames and still yearn to be intimately involved in kingdom living, intimately involved with my Friend the King, and still be willing to take another risk just because it delights Him for me to do so. And my flesh shivers to think about it."    Shattered Dreams

PHOTO: Solomon's temple in all of its beauty.  Credit:  Flickr Commons. University of Oregon Archives. No copyright. 

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