Wonder about Creation, spoken by a Word, not for your curiosity, but for your soul to know this---There Is A Creator who moved over the earth for you. What will you do with that thought this moment you are in? Genesis 1 #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
The Old Testament
God is Brooding over our very lives this very day. Genesis 1:2. Darkness was on the face of the deep. Was it the same darkness that we have every night in the pitch black of the fortnight?
It's a soundless moment, Then, a Word Spoken and a Creation painted for us, not for our curiosity, but for our very souls to know this---There is a Creator. Genesis 1:3. And He knows you. And once upon a blackness, the Creator moved over the burgeoning darkness and gave energy to a nascent world. He brooded like a mama bird over its young, says the Hebrew commentaries. And I believe it was George MacDonald who alluded that we were then born in His Thoughts in that darkness. Beams of dazzling light began to unwrap, unravel, undo the chaotic mass.
The Creative Spirit of God is the principle of all life. This is the only Center we have and know, my friends. And He is still hovering over you and your life this new day, new year. I pray you may know deeply His moves, His hovering. Especially over your darkest spots. The dark nights have always been the hardest of times for me. Still are. This I know: A Good God is brooding over all my nights and days. "One Grand Providence," (MacDonald) if we just believe it.
The New Testament
There are names listed in the genealogy I do not know. There are some names, we know too well for their impropriety, their immortality, their idolatry. This is who God sent His son to save. He sent His Son to save me from myself. My name was born in His Thoughts. My name is inscribed on His Hands. A Holy God broods over all the darkness.
PHOTO: 30,000 feet above the Earth. A blanket of clouds covering Kansas City where I will land for a visit with my grandchildren. God is brooding here.
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