#29 No difference between princes and paupers. So, bow low to your Maker. God is doing something new here after 430 years. Exodus 12:1. #60000thoughts #talkingtomyself
Pharoah sat defiantly in a dalliance of darkness.
Blithe nonchalance.
Egypt sat beleaguered bewildered brooding.
Ineffable woebegone.
Pharaoh asks Moses to plead for him before his God.Pray for us Moses.
And why will you not pray for yourself, Pharaoh?
Why will you not obey the Voice of the
Right where we sit this moment.
Can you not pray?’
This history is amazing. God led them all the way here.
And the same to you and to me. He is leading you to the place where you are today. Pray. All blessings come through the shedding and sprinkling of blood. God is doing something new here as he delivered this people, and you and me. The blood will be a sign that their houses will be passed over, delivered by the blood of the lamb. Exodus 12:12-13 ... “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. God have mercy on us if we find any idols in our hands---may we let go. I am the Lord. The passover.
No difference between princes and paupers.
All will give account before God.
Each face must bend low before their Maker.
What has this hardness of heart brought but pyrrhic loss.
God is doing something new here. Exodus 12:1
The first month of this new year. And its ours too.
But t.h.i.s. suffering is unspeakable sempiternal.
Angels slew the Egyptians 's firstborn.
We scarcely can handle our firstborn leaving the nest,
Much less a midnight massacre stealing our boy.
It is a harbinger, a messenger with news of that future Day.
An earnest of difference between God's followers and His enemies.
May our day, this day, not be indifferent or dismissive or forgetful of our God.
For you see,
That Angel of the Lord, when destroying every firstborn called by a given name,
That Angel would pass over the houses marked by The Blood of the Lamb.
Passover. Do not pass me by.
This bucolic event occurred 430 years from the Promise made to Abraham.
Are we too busy to wait on the Promises of God?
Their hosts brought them out. Exodus 12:50
Wondering what the Israelites thought of those hosts who lingered long.
Wondering what I say by my words & testimony of God lingering long.
We join this day all those who have praised God and kept the Passover.
O God, have mercy on us all!
Image: www.freechristimages.
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